I shall wait till is is available it the UK to order.
It should be a very interesting book to read both aurthors are extremely knowledgeable, have met and spoken to both.
It's will be interesting to read what Chris has wrote as of the hybridisng point of view.
I must say this thrwad has made me laugh, when I first started out in orchids I was very a where that there was two camps so to speak, either a cribb or not.
I found this out talking to a few few botical artists whe I was doing show gardens.
I have met Philip cribb after reading a few of his books, as he was on the RHS committee, I personal must I was very intimidated to meet him. Yet I just walked up to him introduced my self and spoke to him, and asked him for his help on my dissatation. He was extremely help full and really down to earth.
Yet when I put one of my orchids in for awards he shot my plant donw and it never got an award (GRRRRRRR) Still not forgot that, but I under stood why it was shot down and never got the award. In all I have found him to be a genuine guy, but there dose sometimes seem to be air of there from RBS Kew and seem a bit removed from the normal growing people.
It was alway interesting to listen to him in judging on certain plants where it was a species or hybrids, yet in have not seen or spoken much tonhim since I left the in's of the RHS as I run in very different circles these days.
Most of you know of Chris, it was exelant time to listen to him on breeding and judging and see in all the orchids he brought to get an award. To learn of him and his staff at the EYOF in my very short time there, (he went to the same colleague as me ). I still see the EOYF AND when I can I do chat with them lwsr even more off them as I can and hoprfully one day get a job there.
So this should be a very interesting book and can't wait tonget my hands on it and read it.