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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. T

    St. Swithin

    Becoming a large plant now. Takes up a bit of bench space, but a treat when it blooms,
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    Not the best clone, but an easy grower and a reliable bloomer :)
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    Paphiopedilum gratixianum

    Striking flower
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    Paphiopedilum spicerianum

    Great growing, congratulations!
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    Paphiopedilum villosum

    Good colour!
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    Paphiopedilum purpuratum

    Well coloured, it will be interesting to see if the dorsal holds its shape
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    Paph tonsum

    Very pleasing shape and proportions to this bloom. The olive-sand colouring is quite unusual and attractive. Lovely!
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    Orchid scheme nipped in bud

    Depressing in many ways
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    Paph. purpuratum

    Very verrrrrry nice purpuratum! Well bloomed too.
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    Welcome from South Africa. I also spend a lot of time traveling, so your control systems are of interest to me, well done. I need to install a remote control to manage my environment, unfortunately I struggle to find the time to get into my greenhouse, never mind find the time to install...
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    F.C. Puddle

    Always a pleasure to see these. Well bloomed too
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    Impressive growing of a well proportioned and strongly coloured clone. Envious!
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    Wossner Winstonknock x Pulsar

    This is a truly lovely result. Still surprising that WC has near no visible influence at all. The first time I saw one I found it difficult to accept, but as we get to see more of them we realize how influence is translated into improved shape and texture. A fantastic bloom, congratulations.
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    Paph. lowii, album

    Paddle power! That is seriously good
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    Paph guangdongense

    That is certainly well worth looking for! Thanks for sharing
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    Not much bench space, head room or walking space in my greenhouse! I will take a picture in the morning:rollhappy:
  17. T


    It is semi sequential like the cochlo parent, ...... One or two blooms at a time, but at least it blooms for a long time.
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    Thanks all. This plant takes up a lot of bench space, it has a leaf span of 1,1m ( a bit smaller than the previous flowering growth, but I am growing it much brighter than before)
  19. T

    11 flowers in a 2,75'' pot

    I have been back to this thread repeatedly. This is an incredible display, gets my vote for plant of the year! ( we need a division or post for this! ) simply awesome!