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  1. baodai

    Paph huonglan for NYEric

    Thanks all, I will self cross a lot of them and donate seed to seed bank. Bob in Albany, N.Y., You have facebook? I will send out my invitation using it. Good luck learning Vietnamese from now untill Feb14, I only use Vietnamese for my speak. It is about 3hrs from Albany to DCOS, Are you...
  2. baodai

    Deep Cut Orchid Show '10

    It is 4hrs from where I am at, If I get up early I can be there by 10ish on sat, I will go if I can meet Eric Muehlbauer, NYEric and others. I promise I will bring some goodies, It is easy to identify me. Just look for a Vietnamese guy whom doesn't speak english. :-) LOL .....Who is from RI...
  3. baodai

    Paph huonglan for NYEric

    Dat Lat, Vietnam was my orignal place. I live in Northeast USA now Thanks BD
  4. baodai

    Paph huonglan for NYEric

    first one this year, many more to come, some are camera shy ... NYEric, You are invite to visit my house for Vietnamese new year (happen to be on Valentine), Only if you are not bring camera, cellphone :-) BD Yeap, they are fragrance
  5. baodai

    What Should I Buy?

    Rabbit, Here is another suggestion for you, since you are living in CA, it is easy to get cold than get heat in the winter time. It requires a little bit work for 2 months but it can be done. You will then grow any paph you like. Get some buckets of water and put it outside, when you got...
  6. baodai

    CITES amendment

    That is the point, If there is legal seedling then i will be happy to deport the mother. I will be happy to work on legal seedling and wait some years to cross again. BD
  7. baodai

    paph malipoense var jackii

    Dot, This one hasn't fully open yet, I have more than enough malipoense var jackii and jackii to select some good one. I agree with Ernie and Leo. It is not the best parent but for our future I'm going to do some self cross BD
  8. baodai

    paph malipoense var jackii

    undecided what to cross with, what would you want to see? BD
  9. baodai

    emersonii vs hangianum leaves

    I should be here ..... instead
  10. baodai

    emersonii vs hangianum leaves

    What's wrong if you have 2 places to live BD
  11. baodai

    emersonii vs hangianum leaves

    ejchow84, I thought the sign say speed limit is 55mph, Did you go over it? haha BD
  12. baodai

    emersonii vs hangianum leaves

    hope this help BD
  13. baodai

    What is this will be ?

    Rick, How far are you from Huston TX? I will be at Pasadena in for a weekend? I would love to see your jungle? by the way, it is legal to fly with paph into TX? Thanks, BD
  14. baodai

    CITES amendment

    A quote from Jerry Lee Fischer of Orchids Limited "If illegal aliens come into the US and have a child that child is an automatic US citizen. Plants IN VITRO should be considered in a similar light". more from his website: BD
  15. baodai

    CITES amendment

    ejchow84, The first question you should ask is: Will the Vietnamese goverment make paph legally for trade? As i said before there is a "red book" from Vietnam. According to this book, paph is illegal for trade. If paph is illegal for trade then there is nothing CITES (amendment) can do to make...
  16. baodai

    P. villosum

    Enjoy Eric, Cobalt 60 can do lot of things :sob: Baodai
  17. baodai

    hang on S/H thank you Ray

    Rick, They are standing on 200 gallons custom build from acrylic, I drill holds on the sides to control humidity & temperature. Yeap, there are 2 temperature zone in this small tank, one for colder paph and one for hotter paph & and dendro. I also have a custom water control so water won't get...
  18. baodai

    hang on S/H thank you Ray

    paph hang is slow growing paph, I learn from Ray and try this species with S/H, It's growning alot faster, I'm treating it with dithane (Thank you Xavier), leaf span is 22" and should bloom shortly. Once again Thank you Ray BD
  19. baodai


    a bit of Crushed oyster on top, spray often but not over water. hope that help BD