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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. quietaustralian

    Paph dianthum 'Rajani' ACE/AOC - AOC Culture of the Year Award 2014

    Congratulations !!!! I'm as thrilled as you that you won and that a slipper is on the list.
  2. quietaustralian

    Apedium,a new genus in the family Cypripedioideae

    Apedium, a new genus in the subfamily Cypripedioideae. Published online in Richardiana or
  3. quietaustralian

    Phragmipedium guianense, a new species from French Guiana

    New to science: Une excitante nouvelle espèce de Guyane : Phragmipedium guianense (Orchidaceae : Cypripedioideae) Aurélien Sambin & Guido J. Braem
  4. quietaustralian

    Phragmipedium anguloi, a new species from Colombia

    Phragmipedium anguloi, a new species from Colombia belonging to Phragmipedium subgenus Micropetalum (Orchidaceae) Guido J. Braem, Eliseo Tesón, & David Manzur Macías Published online on September 20 2014
  5. quietaustralian

    Paphiopedilum josianae Braem & Nimpoosri 2014

    I had a quick look around to see if anyone had posted this and didn't find anything. Paphiopedilum josianae Braem & Nimpoosri 2014 Paphiopedilum concolor var longipetalum elevated to species level and described as Paphiopedilum josianae Braem & Nimpoosri 2014...
  6. quietaustralian

    New Paph species

    I just heard that there is a race to publish. Two groups have described it.
  7. quietaustralian

    New Paph species

    I have seen this photo getting around some of the Asian orchid forums. Talk is it's a new species. Anyone have any info?
  8. quietaustralian

    OK. Now this is just wierd

    Excellent pics. I understand why some consider it weird, I haven't seen galls like this on orchids. Mick
  9. quietaustralian

    fowlei album

  10. quietaustralian

    Phrag Nitidissimum 'Petal God' AM

    Very nice!
  11. quietaustralian

    OK. Now this is just wierd or something similar?
  12. quietaustralian

    Paph exul 'Warwick'

    Very nice
  13. quietaustralian

    paphiopedilum canhii album ?

    Did this plant bloom and are there photos?
  14. quietaustralian

    Dresdner Ostern with Germany's large Orchid exhibit!!

    Excellent photos. I wonder if Paph Hans Strahl has been or will be judged as Paph hirsutissimum? I recall Xavier mentioned that he thought the gold medal Paph hirsutissimum at the WOC in Dijon was Paph Hans Strahl.
  15. quietaustralian

    Paph Yang-Ji Diamond

    Very nice!
  16. quietaustralian

    Paph dianthum 'Rajani' ACE/AOC

    Congratulations...Well deserved. I have the deep bronze labelums of previous bloomings etched on my mind.
  17. quietaustralian

    Paphiopedilum by Braem,Chiron & Öhlund

    Now available on Google play. A good preview on that site.
  18. quietaustralian

    Paphiopedilum by Braem,Chiron & Öhlund

    Now available from iTunes. Will be available at other ebook stores soon. Published:Feb 16, 2014 Publisher: Moorland eBooks Print Length: 791 Pages Language: English
  19. quietaustralian

    Paph PEOY

  20. quietaustralian

    facebook Group: Paphiopedilum Growers Australasia

    A facebook group focusing on Paph growers from Australasia has been operating for a while. Not a lot of action there, a bit of trading and a few nice pics. Although the focus is Australasia, the admin accepts anyone.