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  1. Ricky

    Every year the same: bud is dying

    Yes, under fluorescent light (daylight type) at about 6000 lux in a terrarium at 60-80% RH and room temperature (18-23°C in winter, 20-30° in midsummer). It get the same fertilizer than all other paphs and they are doing well. This is the only one where the buds are dying.
  2. Ricky

    Every year the same: bud is dying

    My P. vietnamense is growing very well. Every year a new bud comes out, reaches about 10 cm lenght and than stop growing. Than the leaves of a new shoot came out and the bud is dying: I thought that the root maybe in a bad condition but they look perfect: What am I doing wrong...
  3. Ricky

    Pictures from the "Dresdner Eastern" exhibition

    Yesterday I visited the "Dresdner Eastern" exhibition, the biggest orchid exhibition in Europe. Thousands of orchids but I could only make about 200 pictures. Too much for a thread so I created a gallery which you will find here. I hope you will enjoy it. Update: a short movie showing the...
  4. Ricky

    Seedlings experiment - your bets please

    I cannot confim that sphagnum has problems with fertilizer. I have some sphagnum that grows on the bottom of my terrarium, the water there has about 2000µS/cm. The sphganum and other mosses there grows very well. Some Phal roots also has contact with this water - no problem for them. But I...
  5. Ricky

    Seedlings experiment - your bets please

    This could be difficult: sphagnum is always wet, perlite and pumice look the same being dry or wet, only lava changes his color when getting dry. I will keep all 4 substrates wet to see if the air between the substrates will save the roots from rotting.
  6. Ricky

    Seedlings experiment - your bets please

    3 times with fertilizer, 1 time without it. The pH is unknown, but since I changed to that fertilizer, my orchids (incl. Paphs) grow much better.
  7. Ricky

    Seedlings experiment - your bets please

    I use osmosis water with complete fertilizer (incl. Ca + Mg) at 600 µS/cm.
  8. Ricky

    Seedlings experiment - your bets please

    2 weeks ago I bought a flask with 12 seedlings of P. thaianum. With these I wanted to test some mineral substrates. I chose lava, pumice, perlite (sponge rock ?) and, as a control, living sphagnum (peat moss). Here are the seedlings (sizes are in cm): After deflasking, roots look very...
  9. Ricky

    paphiopedilum thaianum

    Oh no! I was just deflasking 12 seedlings yesterday.
  10. Ricky

    phrag kovachii on TV

    Looks like you can see it only if you´re in UK.
  11. Ricky

    Aerangis citrata

    Yes, with the moss and the green algae on the leaves.
  12. Ricky

    Aerangis citrata

    Should be fragrant but it isn´t. :sob:
  13. Ricky


    Here is another one:
  14. Ricky


    The price depends on how many years you will wait for the first flower. You can ask Popow ( ) if he has an adult one.
  15. Ricky

    isabelia violacea

    Im watering twice a day to get the mosses alive that where on the plant when I get it. Maybe it´s the wrong way but we will see ...
  16. Ricky

    isabelia violacea

    Your plant looks great! Mine was flowering for 14 days, it has been watered twice a day.
  17. Ricky

    Sophronitella violacea in full bloom

    If I look at the cork where the plant is mounted i found different types of living mosses, so I think this plant never dried out. Looks like it was kept in high humidity, watered once a day and got enough light.
  18. Ricky

    Sophronitella violacea in full bloom

    Yes, one spike has 4 flowers now, the other one 2.
  19. Ricky

    Sophronitella violacea in full bloom

    Well I just ordered one and get this nice plant. It´s a good nursery.
  20. Ricky

    Sophronitella violacea in full bloom

    Not really my work, got the plant only 2 weeks ago with some buds. The flowers open quickly.