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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. C

    First Bloom Paph. rothschildianum

    Wow, quality blooms of quality color. Definitely a keeper in any discriminating collection.
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    Truly stunning.
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    three flowers on one stem is a rarity.
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    Paph leucochilum

    Lovely color contrast and marking.
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    Paph callosum v. sublaeve

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    charlesworthii and friend

    nice flower.
  7. C

    Any guesses?

    Wow, excellent results for this type of cross. VERY VERY VERY VERY nice.
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    a nice flower indeed.
  9. C

    Paph kolopakingii

    nice color indeed.
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    Paph philippinense 'Alford' budd'in up!

    I love the color of this clone. I also love how compact it stays.
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    Paph lowii vs. haynaldianum

    No, its the other way around. Lowii is more floriferous than haynaldianum, by a long shot. If memory serves me correctly, there is only one awarded haynaldianum that had five flowers. All other awards are with lower flower counts. Right now the standard for lowii is six flowers but I have...
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    AOS Award Slide from the HOS Show

    That's a great flower. Deserving of its award.
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    Paph lowii vs. haynaldianum

    Breeding for lowii is so much more advanced over haynaldianum. My point is that for the space, lowii flowers tend to be better in size, shape, color and form in comparison to haynaldianum. Lowii has been so "inter-bred" with itself that modern plants have hybird vgior; thus, they are more...
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    A nicely balanced example of the species.
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    Addicted Philip 2011

    nice color.
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    Paphiopedilum hookerae var. volonteanum

    very interesting color.
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    Paph Fumi's Delight

    The flower is very nicely balanced in its segments. Nice color too.
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    Joe & Mam's shop at Jatujak Market, Bangkok

    Like all of you, I am left speechless and in awe at the quality of flowers in these photographs.
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    Paph Anni Fuchs

    I like the color of the flower very much.