Addicted Philip 2011

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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A 2nd time blooming for me, not getting better, now can I prevent the slight curl in the dorsal? Culture?Water?

This was the first blooming 2 years ago -
I know that armeniacum curls a bit when there is low humidity, but I would assume that you don't have a problem with that... But if so, that may be the problem.
Very nice bloom, otherwise!
I agree here. That changes the grex name to something something ( memory fails here) Apple. ??? It's been mentioned here before...
AHHH - guess I should change the tag, haven't been paying attention! :eek:
hmmm ... then my Peppermint (niv x anitum) is ????
and Bel Royal x anitum = ???
and Hsinying Lady Duck (Lady Isabel x anitum) is ????

Humidity - it's a possibility, it is at the front of the GH by the door ....
to late to move it's neighbor Stairway To Heaven, it's about to pop!
Hsinying Lady Duck (Lady Isabel x anitum). Rose, I think this stays the same because it was made originally with anitum.

Higher humidity might help
Hsinying Lady Duck (Lady Isabel x anitum). Rose, I think this stays the same because it was made originally with anitum.
ahhhh - then the names might not change on my other anitum X's. The tags say adductum but have clonal names of 'Black Top' & 'Dark Cloud', which is actually indicating that anitum was used.