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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Paph. Armeni White

    Doesn't Candice have one that stays yellow? I think it is her thumbnail pic.
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    flowers from last week (or so)

    I was thinking the yellow one was a primrose.....
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    Online Auction

    Are you advertizing this on other venues/forums as well?
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    Scottish Wild Orchids!

    I miss Scotland!....I need to get back there soon, it is such a beautiful place!
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    mmm.... lava lites

    Quite the collection. Are they new or vintage?
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    The Neos are coming! The Neos are coming!

    hey thats reminded me of the ALIEN movies too! Nice picture
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    Urgently need advices for my paph x phrag

    Actually, for a seedling, I think it looks pretty good. Good luck on growing it out! What were the parent species if I may ask? Were they diploid. or tetraploid?
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    Gloria Naugle 'Crimson'

    That is sure shows how nice the cross can be. So often, it is wonky
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    Paph. bellatulum

    wow, interesting pale pink spots on the second. Again, I haven't seen one like it before. Do I understand correctly that you bought it in bloom? Were there others with similar pale spots? Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the post
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    Paph. Nicholle Tower

    And by the way Robert....that looks like a HUGE flower for the plant size! Do you have quite a few more coming along, or was this a small batch of seedlings from the cross?
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    Paph. Nicholle Tower

    As a cross with the same parents, they would be similar, but not identical. As an example look at a human family with the same parents and a lot of kids. Each child may look similar but unless they were multiples from one single egg/sperm, they will not look or be genetically identical. And...
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    Paph. Graham Robertson 'Fountain Splash'

    Are the progeny consistently alike? Nice pink tones!
  13. O

    New Hybrid! Guess the parents.

    wardii and roth as 2 of the grandparents?
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    masd bobcat

    quite striking!
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    Krull Smith

    I have a friend who just visited Frank, and he said he was under the impression that Day lilies are his prime focus these days. I guess they grow easier and he can sell them for more than most orchids. Perhaps he will keep some orchids as a private collection.
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    Heather is in the Hospital.

    I want to just add my support and concern too...hoping you feel better and get the answers you are looking for.
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    Paph Dom's Trix

    how much does humidity and temp effect the reflection of the petals?
  18. O

    A "What were they thinking?" Paph cross

    With so many diverse progenitors, I have to wonder if there wouldn't be a fair amount of variation in the progeny. It would be interesting to see a group of the cross. You really do grow your plants very well! The Paph Hatsue Otsuka is great!
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    mac users aren't immune....

    so what is this virus and what does it do?