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  1. Happypaphy7

    Cattleya trianae 'Cashen's' FCC/AOS

    Love that Cycnoches warscewiczii shining in the sunlight! :)
  2. Happypaphy7

    Cycnoches warszewiczii

    It's my favorite Cycnoches species also! Large, beautiful, very pleasantly fragrant and easy. I have bought at least one or two every time I saw it offered on SVO catalogue in the past few years. Only one ever bloomed out chunky like yours. Others were more stary shaped. I like it chunky! So...
  3. Happypaphy7

    What is this and how do i stop it?

    You don't need cinnamon when you use Dragon's Blood, which itself dries out very fast and seals the cut wounds effectively in my experience. Also, just thin coat of the affected area is all you need. It is most effective when applied at the first onset of the rot. Once the rot has progressed...
  4. Happypaphy7

    My Polyanthas in 2024

    Where do you get Paphiopdedilums in Germany/EU? You can tell me via private message if that's more comfortable just in case. :)
  5. Happypaphy7

    paph tiny treasure

    Thank you!!
  6. Happypaphy7

    Old complex acquired many years ago

    Multiple blooms always make for stunning display!! :)
  7. Happypaphy7

    My Best armeniacum

    Nice & Chunky 😁
  8. Happypaphy7

    Neofinetia falcate Hisui

    Summer 2024 This plant blooms several times a year. Strange but I’m happy!
  9. Happypaphy7

    Ascofinetia Cherry Blossom

    Early summer/late spring 2024
  10. Happypaphy7

    Sedirea (Phalaenopsis) japonica

    Some more older pictures of the plant from the past three years while at it 😁
  11. Happypaphy7

    Sedirea (Phalaenopsis) japonica

    Now some of photos from spring & summer
  12. Happypaphy7

    Sedirea (Phalaenopsis) japonica

    This plant is about to bloom for the fourth time this year! One from the main growth and a much smaller one from one of its basal keikis. Usually a spring bloomer but the cooler weather must have confused it. It bloomed in February, April, June and now! On its April bloom, I made an outcross...
  13. Happypaphy7


    Yeah, and variations among hybrids are even greater. Your assumption that all the progenies of venustum hybrids should have venustum pouch is directly against your own logic. Plus, your photos illustrate my point very well. The dorsal, staminode markings and overall appearance. You don't see...
  14. Happypaphy7

    Disease, pest, Virus? Problem ID

    Those are not typical symptoms of the two viruses that the home test kits are used for. For most Phalaenopsis, CymMV and ORSV show no particular symptoms. What you have in these pictures are mostly likely those caused by what I mentioned in my precious comment. You will have to send a leaf...
  15. Happypaphy7

    What’s for dinner?

    Marco- Are you tyring to lose weight or is this how you normally eat? Just curious looking at the photos and seeing the protein/carb ratio. This gets my attention because I'm trying to limit carb intake as much as possible. Not easy but I'm trying. I don't even cook that much anymore. Too lazy...
  16. Happypaphy7

    paph tiny treasure

    Looks like fresh open bloom that is yet to expand quite a bit more over the next few days? It is super cute and has inherited the color and shape of henryanum. What's the other parent?? Also, what is the flower next to it? barbigerum album? or Little Trouble?
  17. Happypaphy7

    Ludisia discolor

    Mine came with a label that just says Ludisia. I figured it is Ludisia discolor.
  18. Happypaphy7


    The dorsal markings on urbanianum are quite distinctive. Definitely not the same at all. Markings of the staminode can vary, yet they are still unique enough that one can easily tell. The photo of this threa is a very good example of it.
  19. Happypaphy7


    I'm not trying to convince anyone but just sharing my observations. To me, it is very obvious. What can I say more?! Some people can't tell the difference between hangianum and some of its primary hybrids, for example no matter how much I explain.
  20. Happypaphy7

    Paph. delenatii question

    I never had to add extra calcium in any form to any of my plants. I used naturally soft NYC tap water for years. Never had issues. Now my tap water is very high in calcium. I have not noticed any benefits of it. If anything, the annoying white calcium deposits on the roots, leaves, potting...