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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph praestans

    Looks like the real deal. Craig
  2. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. fowliei v. album

    Tiny and cute. Craig
  3. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. gardineri

    Mine was part of my orchid genocide last year. Very nice. Craig
  4. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    spicerianum x tigrinum!

    I love the balance between the dorsal and synsepal. Cool. Craig
  5. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph Wossner Gold Egg (Pinocchio x armeniacum)

    I've seen several of these and they have all been very consistant. Nice. Craig
  6. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    paph niveum var. ang thong

    What makes it 'var ang thong'? Craig
  7. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. Arthur

    Sam Tsui for the charlesworthii. His are very large and very nice. Craig
  8. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paphiopedilum Robert Barry

    A very nice flower none the less. It does look like a Julius to me as well. Craig
  9. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    2 new paphs from Orchid Inn

    Very nice Craig
  10. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)


    Have actually never seen that listing. However, I too have dealt with this vendor, but it has been many years since. I suspect the plant will be exactly what the listing says it is, but make sure you read the listing carefully so there are no surprises. I also will not do business with them...
  11. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    The Slipper Talk.Com Award Winner!

    Why Rick, I am the show chair. Actually I am the co-chair this year....WOO HOO!! Craig
  12. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. charlesworthii, album

    Congratulations!!! Woo Hoo!!!
  13. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Blooming around the house...

    Rose, I just checked the RHS site and it lists this as Paph Vietenryanum and also states that it is a natural hybrid, but only with gratrixianum as the seed parent and henryanum as the pollen parent. Also in the latest Orchid Digest, the special Paphiopedilum issue, Olaf Gruss uses a...
  14. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Blooming around the house...

    The Vietenryanum came from Orchidaceae in Walla Walla WA. Here's a link to their website: The owners are Mark and Joan and they are very nice people too. Craig
  15. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    The Slipper Talk.Com Award Winner!

    I like that award. Maybe the Oregon Orchid Society will have to have a Award at our next show. Very cool Craig
  16. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Blooming around the house...

    I'm not sure. I think it was one of the last ones that I took from Ernie after his talk. I do think when I saw that it was a Wellesleyan cross I snatched it up. I think it was going to be an OOS plant, but I decided to keep all the ones that I got. I'll be donating some of them back to the...
  17. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    paphiopedilum wardii forma alboviride

    can't wait to see it bloom Craig
  18. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    paphiopedilum fowliei forma christianae

    You are going to drive me crazy! I can't wait. Craig