spicerianum x tigrinum!

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Here's a cross you may not have heard of, I'm not finding a registered name - spice x tigrinum, IMO should be Spicy Tiger. 3growths in a 4" pot. I'm thanking Tom (tocarmar), we did a trade in '08!


I found one photo/article on a search http://community.michiana.org/orchid/newsletter/August2008Newsletter.htm , I'm happier with this one!
I like it in a weird way. Cool how the spicer staminode tries to come through.

Thanks guys!
Looks perfectly intermediate between the two species. Cool!
I thought so too! The shape is almost all tigrinum, the spotting, if the petals had paddles, they'd be tigrinum. Eric says he misses the spice coloring? What! It's all spice! (He likes to mess with us :evil:). And yep there's that spicelike stam! After reading the article Ross came across, my heart sank, here I had a bud about to open & the reviews for tigrinum X's was not good. I then did a search & found that pic/article, if you didn't open that link, the flower looked exactly like a spice but had spots at the base of the dorsal. Needless to say I'm thrilled with this one!
Culture wise I pretty much treated it like a spice, it's been a pretty easy grower/keeper and plant size is kinda medium/compact.
Here's a cross you may not have heard of, I'm not finding a registered name - spice x tigrinum, IMO should be Spicy Tiger.

It looks like Sandy (from Michiana OS) is working on getting it named. Why don't you write her and suggest your Spicy Tiger name.
Interesting and effective cross with those parents. I really thinks it's a good one, if I see any for sale I will try and get them.
Just had a look at this thread, well, I think I'll have to go against the trend here, definitely not one I would let in the door, sorry Rose.
:rollhappy: I'm not really surprised! I think it's one of those crosses you're either gonna like or you don't! No offense taken Roy!