Paph. fowliei v. album

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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A first time bloom, might need the clonal name of 'Tipsy Twist'! I did change light orientation, will be interesting to see if it straightens out .... some... but I'm not holding my breath! I got it from Piping Rock, 1 growth, 2 yrs. ago. It's now 3 growths, still in it's 2 1/2" pot!

I know, it's christ____ whatever, for now I'm leavin' it as is on the original tag!
I like the way a multi growth plant fits in a 2.5 inch pot. Even if it is not flat like a hybrid, it certainly has charm.
I actually like it more than most hybrids. It's cute! And it's green! :clap:
i think it's that the album or alba or whatever form it is is called "fma. christianae"
Wow! I love the lime green colors and the stripes...makes me remember Fruit Stripe Gum. :p

You have some great plants, Rose! :)
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