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  1. R

    Orchid selling Belgium

    WTH ???? Thanks google translate. """ En raison de cessation d'activité, j'offre mes orchidées à vendre. Ma collection se compose principalement de Cattleya, Epidendrum, Oncidium, Vanda et Papiopedillum. Il ya aussi quelques Stanhopeaplanten. Ils sont presque toutes les plantes bloomable...
  2. R

    interesting "something" on cahnhii

    Ask Asendorfer. I think I saw seedlings listed once last year.
  3. R

    zieckianum in bud

    Bud, for sure.
  4. R

    Open days at French Senate greenhouses

    Saturday and Sunday were Open days in France. I visited Senate's Greenhouses, and also L'Elysée (the President's home) which apparently has a little greenhouse ! The greenhouse gardeners have been doing paph. crosses for the past 150 years, so they've got a few things inside, especially on...
  5. R

    Avoid Ebay seller baerbelde

    Of course, that's the thaianum alba / bougainvilleanum crook from a few months ago. Again 100% positive transactions. eBay must be broken somehow.
  6. R

    Paph. Darling

    Indeed. If you don't know which clone it is, and if it's a first flowering, then I'd give it another chance. Darling can be quite variable, even a single clone. I remember seeing the originals at VL a few months ago, none were as good as this one. Sometimes they have color breaks. Well, as for...
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    Rosettii and friends

  8. R

    Rosettii and friends

    Nice, man! Can you make a close-up of CL EVB so that we can compare it with this one ?
  9. R

    Paph. Albion pollen

    I still haven't made up my mind... the plant needs a few more weeks to bloom, so it's ok. I might put my AOS subscription to use for once to see what has been done so far. I may end up go to the nursery for Albion pollen. The thing is, we're rather short on (old) hybrids in the EU, so I'm...
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    There were mealies inside the bud...
  11. R


    OI seedling. This one is well bellow expectation in terms of color, but I like the stance. At least, it still looks like a charlesworthii, contrary to a few awarded ones.
  12. R


    Nice flower, and nice display ! Do you know how old the plant is ?
  13. R

    Mealy bugs and Scale. End of me I Quit

    Piece of cake. I've had a mealy / thrips combo lately and I just unpotted / repotted / treated / isolated in bags each and every one of them. Mealies are out. As for thrips,I'll rely on auxiliaries for the last round:
  14. R

    Paph. Albion pollen

    To get more Albion ! It's unnamed. I'm pretty sure they have different clones at VL. Unfortunately, I don't have Paeony pollen, but I do have pollen from: - F.C. Puddle - Whitemoor - bellatulum alba Here what the plant looks like now:
  15. R

    Paph. Albion pollen

    It's an unnamed cultivar from VL. Last time I saw them flowering in their greenhouse, the flowers were really different. Maybe they have different cultivars. I didn't check the labels. I have F.C Puddle pollen though.
  16. R

    Paph. Albion pollen

    Hello, I've got a strong paph Albion in bud right now. Does someone have Albion pollen in store? Thanks, Olivier
  17. R

    Maudiae 'The Queen'

    I wonder why Maudiae are so different nowadays. Well, maybe they're not Maudiae at all since both alba parents are pretty rare.
  18. R


    I don't think delenatii sold in the EU are ooffspring of VL's. I think those are really hard to come by.
  19. R

    Maudiae 'The Queen'

    I like it. Any hint about sterility ?
  20. R

    Old roots rotting

    lol. Since I've started putting paphs in plastic bags I've been able to make them grow new roots in a week or so. I had plenty of time to observe them. I stopped posting pictures, but the only paph I have that seems to resent the bags is delenatii. I've noticed that: - root tips that get hurt...