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Avoid Ebay seller baerbelde

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well, anyone that pays $130 for that rootless
snippet deserves to be taken. It has been up
for auction for quite some time.
Sure, $130 sounds like a lot for a rootless Paphiopedilum helenae var. album with almost no leaves and questionable provenance, BUT free shipping! You literally can't not neglect to not bid on that thing. You're practically losing money otherwise.
Thank you, Mrhappyrotter!!

The scam is Ebay security-proof, since by the time the unfortunate buyer realises that the plant is junk, when it flowers, the 90 day limit has long passed.

The seller is located in Germany. He doesn't ship to Germany, though.

He's not mentioning the paper work required for import into the USA or Asian countries, too. Someone might want to ask him for a copy of his export permit.
The seller is located in Germany. He doesn't ship to Germany, though.

He's not mentioning the paper work required for import into the USA or Asian countries, too. Someone might want to ask him for a copy of his export permit.

It often seems that many of the overseas sellers deliberately avoid this point, especially the ones offering species we KNOW require special paperwork. Recent communication with someone at the Department of Fish & Wildlife left no question that they are actively monitoring this activity and their policy is to pursue violators aggressively. Sales of plants already in the United States, not so much - but imports from overseas especially grab their attention. It's not surprising that all offerings by certain eBay sellers are being monitored. Just imagine the horror when the fleet of big shiny black government vehicles pulls up on the lawn of some poor schmuck who just wanted to grow the pretty flower he saw on eBay.
The condition of the plant isn't even the problem - it is absolutely guaranteed not helenae album. Just straightforward thieving, if somebody buys it. The Cypripedium I bought came illustrated with an excellent picture of another plant, whereas here he has been stupid enough to show the actual plant for sale.
Of course, that's the thaianum alba / bougainvilleanum crook from a few months ago.

Again 100% positive transactions. eBay must be broken somehow.
I was almost hacked by this German seller last year when SHE bought a plant from me which She said she never received. It's a long story so beware of her saying that she doesn't understand English very well which will lead to all sorts of complications with ebay and also paypal, don't trust at all.
Sooooo...... why the perfect feedback score??? did any of you left a negative feedback for your transaction with this seller?
See above Daniella - this scam is Ebay feedback proof, since by the time the unfortunate buyer realises they have crap (when it flowers), feedback has been left and indeed the 90 day limit for taking action has usually long expired.