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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. snow

    Paph Psyche

    wonderfull flower. i have lusted after this one for a long time.
  2. snow

    paph insigne

    gratixianum? you got to be kidding. so i,ve been living a lie for 14 years.
  3. snow

    paph insigne

    :)this was my first orchid some 14 years ago. still going strong in s/h.
  4. snow

    Orchilim 2009 - Internationale Orchids Show - Limburg - Belgium

    great pictures and wonderfull historical buildings
  5. snow

    Went to a show...

    good going'Wendy'' congratulations
  6. snow

    A Selection of Phrags from Chuck Acker

    wonderfull pictures Todd. i,d also have a hard time to pick one.
  7. snow

    Rolfei ?

    awsum. to bad about the tag.
  8. snow

    Top 5 starter paphs/phrags

    i wuold suggest maudia type paphs. they go from very dark to white and greens. they are a good beginner paph grow fast, are very forgiving as to culture, and useualy are cheaper than others.
  9. snow

    Phrag. Grande 4N

    it,s grand(e) alright. i love it.
  10. snow

    complex green

    that,s different for sure. nice!
  11. snow

    My mini lowii

    same here
  12. snow

    Phrag Schroderae 'Jean-Louis Amand'

    its a nice reminder, and looks like it is going to be a very nice flower.
  13. snow

    Paph rothschildianum 'Tamara'09

    great plant and awsum flowers.
  14. snow

    Paph sukhakulii

    great flower. i finally got one at the mos show.glad i did after seeing you,res
  15. snow

    Paph bellatulum

    very kool looking belatum.
  16. snow

    Dark Vini

    wow what a great pouch. congratulations
  17. snow

    Phrag Memoria Dick Clements

    another nice one parvi.
  18. snow

    Phrag longifolium f. gracile

    pretty for sure.
  19. snow

    C. Fort Motte

    i like anything with spots. on a flower
  20. snow

    Phrag. Eumelia Arias (kovachii x schlimii)

    nice flower on a small plant.