Paph Psyche

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
Not the greatest clone but it is very hardy and reliable. I have flowered it too many times to remember. For a Brachy this is pretty easy to grow.


Paph Psyche (niveum x bellatulum)


very nice, there is a lot to recommend to a plant that grows well and flowers regularly, and a nice flower to boot.
very nice, there is a lot to recommend to a plant that grows well and flowers regularly, and a nice flower to boot.

Absolutely. It is especially nice to have a Brachy that is almost indestructable.

Actually this is one of the first Paphs I ever bought. I didn't know much about the genus at the time but was intrigued so when I saw it on the sales table in flower I grabbed it. I then read up on Brachy's culture and was disheartened to find out how difficult this section can be. I thought I had done my $20. It has been flowering once or twice a year ever since.

Nice Psyche David. It's good that it has been so kind to you over the years. Otherwise, if it had up and croaked on you, you may have never grew another Paph!
Very nice, I like the fine dusting of spots. Also good to know that it's possible to keep a Brachy alive for a length of time :rollhappy: They and multis are what I like best and want to concentrate on growing.
So pretty! And it looks like a very nicely grown plant - congrats!
I thought it was time I repotted this plant. It has been at least 5 years since the last time I repotted it. I think you will agree it has a pretty healthy root system. It was amazing that there basically wasn't any dead roots on it given the length of time it was in the same mix. When the roots get thick like this they can become difficult to repot as it is all but impossible to remove the mix.

I potted it up into a wider pot in a chunkier mix. I wish all my Paphs grew roots like this.



The flower is great!!! I love spoty flowers!!! I wish my paphs had/retained roots like yours, cause I have the talent to rot them from overwatering or they dry out from underwatering...! But now I think I have found my
very, very interesting pics of the impressive roots of your plant!!!! But, as I had about the same experience with a parishii earlier this week ( I did not take a pic of the roots unfortunately, but they were comparable to yours), I now think that it is +/- an art to repot such a plant, most of the roots being on the outside of the cluster(?). So, when repotting, I had 'some' difficulties to refill the empty space inside the root cluster and trying not to brake too many of the most healthiest being on the outside!!? Jean