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  1. G

    Macroclinium aurorae

    Interesting! I've only ever seen M. manabinum available. Any idea where to find one of these?
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    Angraecum cuculatum

    Dot, this plant appears to not be the real cucullatum and is instead Ang. Joyce Stewart. A number of sellers were passing this hybrid around as cucullatum a few years ago. The lower flower really shows a scottianum influence. Regardless, beautiful plant and nicely bloomed!
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    Chysis bractescens

    Nice! I didn't know they would bloom so small. I have one that is just slightly smaller than this, so I'm hopeful I see blooms next year!
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    Psygmorchis crista-galli.

    Very nice!! This specimen will hopefully help dispel the thought that these are naturally short-lived plants.
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    You should have no trouble growing the vast majority of the commonly available species with those conditions.
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    Angraecoid Bug (because I have no more Phrags to buy)

    Oh no, I meant that I'm about to deflask them. I'd send it once established out of flask.
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    I don't think there are many Angraecoids that will grow well truly hot. Mine do fine with day temps in the upper 90s, but you really don't get good bloomings unless you can drop the temps 10-20F. Many appreciate a winter cool down too. I'd say 80-60F is a great range for most of the available...
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    Angraecoid Bug (because I have no more Phrags to buy)

    I have some Aerangis fastuosa seedlings ready to be taken out of flask if you wanted to add one more to that already impressive list :)
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    Bulbo longicaudatum

    Nice Rick! You must have gotten one of Chris's divisions because mine is just now growing at the speed where I'd consider dividing it. This is one of those plants I want to see as a large specimen with many spikes. Mine had two blooms earlier this year, and I see another forming now. Chris...
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    Dracula vespertilio

    Eron, if you want to try a Dracula, go for D. lotax. It's very warmth tolerant and should do fine in our conditions.
  11. G

    Cochleanthes amazonica

    I bought one from a member here last year, and it has since rewarded me with 4 blooms over the course of many months. I have to agree that this is much easier than expected to grow and an absolute joy to have around.
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    Myrmecophila albopurpurea

    Nice, Tennis! Is this clone (population maybe?) the miniature? I thought I remember a Florida vendor selling this species at a local show, but the plants were much taller.
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    sangii 'quattro'

    How far under the lights do you keep these? And also do you have a set watering schedule or just when it seems they need to be watered?
  14. G

    8 years in the making, guess the bud

    I bought one of these at the New Orleans show from EFG Orchids. They told me that they weren't really successful with these until they started growing them very wet (straight sphag, watered every to every other day) and in very high light (he said full sun in Florida). I didn't realize the...
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    Coelogyne usitana

    Yours seems to present itself better than others that I've seen. Many have spikes that reach well below the plant, making the flowers difficult to view. I like them all, but the short spike is definitely a plus in my book!
  16. G

    Stanhopea tigrina

    Thanks all! Dot, I had to take the last two shot laying on my back facing upward in the backyard. Luckily, it is pretty densely planted. I'd hate to imagine what the neighbors would think :eek:
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    Stanhopea tigrina

    This has my growing area filled with a very sweet scent at the moment.
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    Fred, I'd definitely like to see a list, especially of the Nigrohirsutes!
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    Big leaf Magnolia

    Magnolia macrophylla, or Cowcumber Magnolia! They grow in sandy soils on river and stream banks here. The soil must be well-drained, or they really struggle to do well. Also, is that a Red Buckeye to the right of it?
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    17 year cicadas

    Apparently, they're rather tasty on the grill :eek: We don't get the periodical cicadas down here, but we have the regular species year-round.