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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. G

    Bulbo. grandiflorum

    It's funny you said that. The whole Hyalosema section of Bulbophyllum is often given the common name "Duckhead Bulbos"
  2. G

    How people make a living on orchids

    I don't have much to add to this subject, but one suggestion I can make is to learn and become a pro at flasking. By being able to do everything "in house", I think you can save yourself some money and increase your collection frugally. I'm still learning all the details of the process, but I...
  3. G

    Aerangis hyaloides

    Me neither! An interesting disadvantage of this species' floriferous is its tendency to bloom itself to death. Mature plants can be in constant bloom, but it is advisable to give them a break from time to time.
  4. G

    Mexipedium xerophyticum possibly extinct in the wild?

    According to this thread, it seems that it has been selfed before.
  5. G

    Mexipedium xerophyticum possibly extinct in the wild?

    Has this species been propagated by seed? I thought I remember reading there was trouble getting these flasked, but that was a while ago. If this is still the case and with very few different clones around, the lack is genetic variability in cultivation is somewhat scary.
  6. G

    Greenhouse problem

    abax, sounds like that should work! I remember back in one of my intro biology classes the professor taught us that RoundUp's mode of action was chlorophyll inhibition, hence the need for it to come in contact with leaves. In practice, I've come to question this unless it also does some other...
  7. G

    Ever heard of these delenatii clones?

    I've never heard of those, but if I had to guess and read a little into the naming this would be my assumptions... The dunki(l)e #6 is probably a Dunkle form and #6 is possibly a number denoting a specific dunkle in the crosser's collection. If I had to guess on the Half and Half, I would...
  8. G

    Greenhouse problem

    abax, I work for a landscape maintenance company while I'm home on summer break, so roundup is a daily part of life. What we do for large, woody vegetation is cut it down close to the ground and spray the remaining stump with roundup. Spraying it in the open wound allows it to get to the roots...
  9. G

    Looking for rare, uncommon, strange, unusual orchids

    Thanks Eric! Huntleyas aren't terribly uncommon, but they definitely don't think they're often grown. They seem to be underappreciated. If you like them, you may want to look into Cochleanthes and Kefersteinia. Chysis are cool too! Tenman hasa bluish Chysis species that I really like.
  10. G

    pleuro restrepioides? id and culture

    Your plant definitely not Plths. restrepioides. It's leaf is rounded at the tip whereas yours comes to a point. I have one labeled Plths. truncata with the pointed leaf tips that resembles yours but is taller. It might be the yellow species Eric mentioned. My advice would be to give it medium...
  11. G

    Bulbophyllum microrhombos, crappy iPhone pic

    Good growing Chris! I wish mine would just hang onto a leaf, much less bloom.
  12. G

    Aerangis luteoalba var. rhodosticta

    According to Stewart et al, var. luteoalba (the all cream form) comes from 800-2200 masl, and var. rhodosticta comes from 1250-2200 masl usually on twigs near rivers. Given the elevation data and experience with other riverine Aerangis, I would not grow this truly warm or with any defined hard...
  13. G

    Marcgravia species

    Hostas crawl!? In nature, these scramble up the trunks of trees, and when they find a limb and are big enough, they grow downward again. So yes, these can crawl a long way if given the chance.
  14. G

    Marcgravia species

    Ok, then I'll happily share it! I agree, this is a great place for information and everyone is very friendly. Here's the link:
  15. G


    Interesting! I've seen this cross offered quite frequently on Ebay lately and for pretty cheap. I think it was only ~$20 for a plant in double spike :drool:
  16. G

    Marcgravia species

    Unfortunately, I don't have any yet. I'm looking for some to grow in a dart frog terrarium, and it seems pretty rare. I think there are only 3 or 4 species available in the U.S. It's interesting in that the plants "shingle" while in juvenile growth, and then when they reach a certain height...
  17. G

    It's been weeks in the making...

    I've seen guimbeaui offered pretty regularly and cepediana sometimes, though not cheap at all. I hadn't ever heard of the other two species prior to this post.
  18. G

    It's been weeks in the making...

    I've got a decent collection of poison dart frogs. I think I posted a thread on here at one point. I'm just now starting to get breeding, so if you ever want to work with them, let me know! I'm sure we can figure out a plant trade or something.
  19. G

    Marcgravia species

    I know this one's a long shot, but many of us grow plants other than orchids. Anybody out there grow these cool shingling vines?
  20. G

    Pleurothallis restrepiodes

    Cool one! I killed mine :(