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Marcgravia species

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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I know this one's a long shot, but many of us grow plants other than orchids. Anybody out there grow these cool shingling vines?
That one sent me out into the net, had never heard of this genus. The one photo on wikipedia shows a growth habit that reminds me of a climbing hoya. Surprising that it is in the same class as Azalea. Sounds like the flowers are quite showy. You have any photos of yours? You might get some of us to try them.
Unfortunately, I don't have any yet. I'm looking for some to grow in a dart frog terrarium, and it seems pretty rare. I think there are only 3 or 4 species available in the U.S. It's interesting in that the plants "shingle" while in juvenile growth, and then when they reach a certain height, they begin the mature leaves and become pendant.

I have a thread from a frog forum with good pictures if it's ok to post the link, not sure if that's ok though.
It is ok to post links to other forums. This forum is great in that the moderators are pretty relaxed in an effort to keep it a friendly and open forum. Nobody gets banned for linking to a thread from another forum. We don't do the outside links all the time, but it certainly is not a problem.
Hostas crawl!? In nature, these scramble up the trunks of trees, and when they find a limb and are big enough, they grow downward again. So yes, these can crawl a long way if given the chance.