According to an article by Eduardo Perez-Garcia in the journal Lankesteriana, published in 2010, the species is known from a single limestone outcropping in Oaxaca, Mexico. At least 2 examples that were growing independently were collected when first discovered and persist in cultivation. No genetic studies have been done to determine if the plants are genetically different or the same. The genetic study would need to be done to confirm they are different clones since these plants propagate vegetatively so prolifically. The article also states that there was a wildfire in 1998 that did significant damage to the area in which the limestone outcropping is located. However, he states that he managed to find examples of the species when he visited in 2009.
Unfortunately (for me), the article is in Spanish, so I had to use google translate to read it. I am sure I am missing some of the important points because the translation isn't great. If anyone would like a copy of the original article, shoot me a PM and I will e-mail it to you.