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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Amadeus


  2. Amadeus

    Paph. malipoense

    Fantastic, where'd you get it from?
  3. Amadeus

    Paph. Saeka Mochizuki 'Remembrance of Akira'

    Wow, it's so perfect it looks fake! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Amadeus

    Cypripedium californicum-potting up video

    Cyp. fasciculatum supposedly was native to San Mateo, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara counties. I know someone whose been looking for a colony in these counties for years and I've been looking to buy one for ages...
  5. Amadeus

    roth x anitum in bud

    Omg I love that green, and having it next to those dark browns and reds/pinks is just :drool: I <3 the ovary and sheaths as well.
  6. Amadeus

    Paphiopedilum concolor in the wild

    :drool: MOAR!!! Thanks.
  7. Amadeus

    Paph spicerianum x haynaldianum

    Omg, how did I miss this? Thanks for sharing.
  8. Amadeus

    Paph. malipoense

    The NS is 10cm, the forced spread is 12cm Stem is 47.5cm long 53cm if you include the ovary. (Don't ask for a photo, I'm embarrassed by how wobbly the stem is, and by how poorly I staked it) It is fairly fragrant, I suppose it smells like some type of berry that doesn't exist. I'm not sure if...
  9. Amadeus

    Paph. malipoense

    Paph malipoense 'DD's Nova x 'Andy's' First time blooming, grown indoors (warm and dry), fragrant.
  10. Amadeus

    P-K free fertilizer?

    :rollhappy::clap:This receives my vote for best post of the year.:clap::rollhappy:
  11. Amadeus

    What caught your eye this year?

    Well this isn't from this past year (it's from 2009) but I first came across it this year so I hope that counts. Drorchid's Gemstone's Randschild From this thread: Link Also, Paph. Maria and Paph. Franz caught my eye and these are from this year (Link)
  12. Amadeus


    :drool: Nice! :drool: Anyone else notice how most of them seem to be 'right handed'? The petal on the flower's right is longer than the one on the left.
  13. Amadeus

    Paph. emersonii

    I'm loving the personality on this bloom.
  14. Amadeus

    Paph (S.Gratrix 'Scandalous' x malipoense )

    It was well worth logging in to see this, thanks.
  15. Amadeus

    Newest Carnivorous Plant Here's the first paragraph. It could require a re-imagining of The Day of the Triffids – scientists have discovered a new type of carnivorous plant that traps and devours its prey...
  16. Amadeus

    Paph anitum flask

    NICE and congratulations! May I ask how you acquired them?
  17. Amadeus

    Paph.Magic Lantern

    Yay a germline mutation for more
  18. Amadeus

    Paph phillipinense alba

    Sexy split sepal
  19. Amadeus

    Auction Containing Come Nice Paphs!

    Now...which local orchid club do you belong to so we can become close friends? Santa Clara, Malihini? $200 sadly is a good price on that plant in the US. I've only seen it for $600 here for iffy plants, and I've heard a story of a person in southern California dumping all of his to avoid fines.