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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. RNCollins

    Piping Rock Orchid Open House

    HappyPaphy7 (Neil) and I will be taking another road trip, this time for upstate New York. :clap: Is anyone else going?
  2. RNCollins

    Happy Birthday cnycharles

    Happy Birthday Charles!:)
  3. RNCollins

    Piping Rock Orchid Open House

    Piping Rock Orchids Open House, Picnic, & Guest Speakers Saturday ~ June 6th, 2015 ~ 10:30 AM 2270 Cook Road ~ Galway, NY Open House Plant Sales Special Guest Speaker / Vendors: Terry Kowalczuk - the owner of FLORA PECULIA, is known for having perhaps the largest retail...
  4. RNCollins

    Paphiopedilum Magic Lantern

    Neil, Is this the Magic Lantern we got at the Woodstream Open House? Mine is still in bud.
  5. RNCollins

    New to the Scene!

    Welcome from New York State!
  6. RNCollins

    Phrag besseae 'Smokin' x 'Haven'

    Very nice!
  7. RNCollins

    Double Bloodroot

    Very pretty! I've been to White Flower Farm a couple of years ago... It's a nice road trip. And it's nice to drool over their catalog.
  8. RNCollins

    Water Quality question

    Tds Ray has a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) calculator on his website that is very helpful:
  9. RNCollins

    Paph Prelude

    I love the color!
  10. RNCollins

    Lost ID

    Does she prefer Kat-Lite or regular fertilizer? :)
  11. RNCollins

    Hey! It's iwillard's birthday!

    :) Happy Birthday! Enjoy the great weather tomorrow!
  12. RNCollins

    Tiny tots are doing real good

    If you use kelp on sphagnum will it kill it?
  13. RNCollins

    Phrag Elfin's jubilation

    The color is beautiful! Who are the parents?
  14. RNCollins

    Tiny tots are doing real good

    Nice sphagnum. Where did you get it?
  15. RNCollins

    Please help!! What is this? is it contagious?

    Got it! I can find Cleary's on Amazon.
  16. RNCollins

    Please help!! What is this? is it contagious?

    Angela, Do you just water the plants with the solution or do you need to spray the plants too?
  17. RNCollins

    Disa Kewensis

  18. RNCollins

    new to the wonderful slipper orchids

    Hi youngslipper, Welcome to the forum from New York State. You have a beautiful country... I've been to Cape Town and Namaqualand.