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  1. luvsorchids

    Bulb. phalaenopsis

    These are so cool!. I would grow one if they weren't so big or stinky :). How long are the leaves? Susan
  2. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    FORE!! False TPBM stroked the underbelly of a Boeing 787 today.
  3. luvsorchids

    Prized Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

    :clap::drool::drool::drool::clap:. Susan
  4. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    True in the fact I am always in charge of domestic duties. TPBM spent their morning in the largest building by volume in the world.
  5. luvsorchids

    U.S.of A.

    Thank you all. It is truly a labor of love. Susan
  6. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    False-no clematis, no outside garden. TPBM started a new job today.
  7. luvsorchids

    U.S.of A.

    I had a very busy day. I have been working on a quilt that will be donated to an organization that will distribute to a wounded soldier. I finished piecing the quilt top on Memorial Day and my goal was to quilt and bind the quilt by July 4. I was successful and completed the quilt yesterday...
  8. luvsorchids

    Catt. walkeriana v. coerulea

    No, it's a seedling and not awarded. The tag says 'Select' x 'Wenzel Son'. Susan
  9. luvsorchids

    Catt. walkeriana v. coerulea

    Thank you for the nice comments everyone :). What is it now? I haven't done anything special. This is the first one I have owned and got it last year shortly after it had bloomed for someone else. I grow it inside under T5 fluorescents and give as much light as I can. In short, no...
  10. luvsorchids

    What's fer dinner?

    Now that's my kind of dinner :drool::drool::drool:. Susan
  11. luvsorchids

    hysining glanz - permed?

    Definitely a bad hair day, but I would wait and see what happens on the next blooming-could be a variety of factors. Susan
  12. luvsorchids

    Catt. walkeriana v. coerulea

    I have a thing for blue Catts and think these cuties are just plain adorable. They smell just as sweet as they look. Susan
  13. luvsorchids

    Cattleya dolosa var alba

    Catt. x dolosa is a natural hybrid between walkeriana and loddigessii. Susan
  14. luvsorchids

    The person below me game......

    Probably not, but maybe then next weekend. TPBM thinks these photos are really cool
  15. luvsorchids

    Den. unicum

    I have a plant labeled as lamyaiae also that to me looks identical to unicum. I too have been wondering what the difference is between the two. I wonder if the plants are perhaps mislabeled and this is adding to the confusion :confused:. Susan
  16. luvsorchids

    Anyone made mozzarella before?

    Funny that this thread came up. I just took a class on making soft cheeses and we made mozzarella in class. I have had more fun making homemade ricotta, mascarpone, and am currently working on some chevre. The most common reason for the curd not forming well is the milk. It is best to get the...
  17. luvsorchids

    Phal. cornu-cervi v. chattaladae

    I grow inside under T5 fluorescent lights (4-bulb 48 inch fixture). Temperatures can get in the 60s F in the winter for a low and up to about 85 F for a high in the summer. Humidity runs generally 50-60%. I don't really track the specifics since I have few options to control them. The total...
  18. luvsorchids

    Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor

    Thank you all for the kind words. Yes, these are worth growing for the foliage alone, and yes, this plant has been quite healthy and rather vigorous based on what others have said. Total plant span is about 21 cm. Natural spread of the flower is about 6.5 cm. Susan
  19. luvsorchids

    Phal. cornu-cervi v. chattaladae

    Still a small plant blooming for the first time. What I have found most interesting has been watching the color develop in the buds. The color starts out as spots and stripes that come together to form the solid red. Susan
  20. luvsorchids

    Paph. delenatii v. vinicolor

    First bloom. I got this cutie as a baby from Ernie about 2 years ago. I think I detected slight fragrance this morning. Susan