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  1. C

    Conductivity Calibration Solution

    Well, that's a good point.
  2. C

    Conductivity Calibration Solution

    Are we talking concentration on a weight basis, or molar/molal/specific activity basis?
  3. C

    beware ebay scammer

    Would not Paypal be refunding the seller the transaction fees charged?
  4. C

    Repotting Question

    After soaking and removing from pot, try sloshing it around in a bucket of water. That tends to loosen up the root mass.
  5. C

    Dendrobium jerdonianum

    Well, that is kind of different for sect. Formosae, the ones I am familiar with are white. Always good to have one's horizons expanded.
  6. C

    Paph Vanda M. Pearman

    That's really nice. Congratulations on longevity.
  7. C

    What to do with Overgrown Lanky Seedlings

    I have. Did just what you thought of. Seems to work out, some roots come out "in the air" but in a humid environment, they do OK. Mine was Paph. sukhakulii, fwiw. HTH, HAND
  8. C

    Aquarium house for my flasklings

    I do the same thing, except that I use a 10-gallon tank, a pair of 20W spiral compact fluorescents, and have #3 sponge-roc on the bottom. I have two fans, one circulates air above the plants, one takes air from high up in the tank, and blows it down through a piece of pipe onto the sponge-roc...
  9. C

    Any masdavallia orchid growers out there (USA)

    I did, and had an email conversation with him yesterday. I believe he'll be traveling soon, though.
  10. C

    Any masdavallia orchid growers out there (USA)

    Gary is both Hawk Hill and Colombian Orchid Imports. I just got some plants from Colombian Orchid Imports (today!). I think Hawk Hill is kind of a casual affair for Gary and some of his colleagues. I think Hillsview may sell some, but my interest is in species, so mostly I concentrate on the...
  11. C

    Algae over leaves

    I'd start with perhaps 1cc per liter.
  12. C

    Algae over leaves

    Perhaps a quarternary ammonium compound (like Physan) would work better - that is more likely to disrupt the algae cells, while having less effect on the orchid leaves' cuticle. The Physan bottle claims that it is non-phytotoxic, which seems counter to claims of being an algicide, however...
  13. C

    Stanhopea nigroviolacea ('Aztec Gold' x self)

    I like the way you've framed it.
  14. C

    Monsanto shall pay 289 million US$ indemnity

    Not mine. Read it on a law blog years ago.
  15. C

    Monsanto shall pay 289 million US$ indemnity

    One can never predict what a jury will do. Emotions are often involved, and lawyers on both sides play to that: If the law is on your side, pound on the law. If the facts are on your side, pound on the facts. If neither are on your side, pound on the table.
  16. C

    Paph. henryanum

    I'll try to get a photo tomorrow, but I have divided it over the years (actually, it self-divided*), shared some divisions, and still have three. *because I'm not that great a grower
  17. C

    Paph. henryanum

    I've had this plant for 20+ years now, and it's grown quite well for me. This year it's flowering more than a month early.
  18. C

    Something fun

    I always did prefer miniatures, and these loop prettty hardy to me.
  19. C

    Paphiopedilum helenae

    That's really nice. Definitely going on the "Must Have" list.
  20. C

    Paphiopedilum insigne 'Harefield Hall' FCC ?

    Maybe a tetraploid?