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  1. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Spitfire"

    No, it's the 3rd ou 4th bloom. Always 3 flowers or maybe one time with 4 but I'm not sure. It's a very easy and fast grower.
  2. F

    Just another Paph. rothschildianum

    Maybe small flower size but very round and big dorsal, very fat petals and very colored! What's the cross please?
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    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Spitfire"

    Again my TC2 x self. From a selfing of a wild collected plant. Every year I think to sell it and every year, I can't do it because it has something special in my eyes. This year, I saw a "red nose spitfire" in it. So, I gave it this clonal name! :roll eyes:
  4. F

    Paph rothschildianum ([Mont Milais x self] x Sabah

    Well well well. The problem is probably I have too many ideals with rothschildianum and it's not compatible with business for "normal" people... :rollhappy: For sure, standardization is the best way to obtain only one ideal. Maybe the best for the majority but not for me. It's just too sad for...
  5. F

    Paph rothschildianum ([Mont Milais x self] x Sabah

    @paphioland: Your opinion is not mine. I just noted "your best" is not "my best". In fact, I don't have really "best" but "different" I have currently in bloom my TC2 x self. It's the 3rd or 4th time and this year, because of space, I thought to sell it. Just 3 flowers, dorsal is not very big...
  6. F

    roth 'Green Valley' x 'Dou Fong'

    It's rare but for this time, I'm a lucky guy...
  7. F

    Paph rothschildianum ([Mont Milais x self] x Sabah

    I'm sometimes very surprised to read how it's necessary to always follow standard, always always always... Standard is like the Fashion for me. Very interesting but what is good to see other dress codes in the street! Currently, roths standard to reach is very round, very big and very...
  8. F

    roth 'Green Valley' x 'Dou Fong'

    I suppose this cross name mixed several crosses from more and less good parentage. Xavier told that in the past and it's probably right. I have the chance to bloom one of the best from this cross and not at all sure the parentage are same of this Slipperking bloom.
  9. F

    Paph rothschildianum ([Mont Milais x self] x Sabah

    Very nice. I like a lot the flower presentation with "large" space beetween flower. Keep it preciously. I like selection roth. but I'm afraid we lost the old clone.
  10. F

    rothschildianum Sam's Choice x MM Best

    I like a lot this king of dorsal! All is always "round researched" and I think "flame dorsal" would be obligatory to keep!!! :D
  11. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Tiny Zebra"

    You're right, Im' surprised too and it's why I asked to explain to Iweyshen. But don't forget Iweyshen is the breeder. So, he's probably the best to know that and to see something we don't see...
  12. F

    Paph. wilhelminiae

    Yes, same question about the possibility of roth hybrid. One thing is sure, it's wonderful flower!
  13. F

    Phal schilleriana var purpurea

    Very nice but for me, it's not schilleriana (var purpurea???) but Phalaenopsis philippinensis.
  14. F

    Paphiopedilum Iantha Stage

    Thank you for picture SlipperMatt. But to be honest, I don't see it in reality but on this picture, I don't understand why AM/AOS...? Petals form is not good, color is normal. Maybe is it a big flower? Don't know...
  15. F

    Paphiopedilum rothschildianum "Tiny Zebra"

    Thank you for your reply. I suppose you know well the cross because it's from you but what do you see in the flower to be sure it's from this cross?
  16. F

    Some bird photos with my new Sigma lens (150-600 Sports)

    Oh My GOD! I'm a lover of birds. And you have extraordinary specie in Australia.
  17. F

    Paphiopedilum Iantha Stage

    Natural hybrid was about "x kimballianum", not Iantha Stage.
  18. F

    Paphiopedilum villosum var boxallii

    calypso is a french friend. My home is in Toulouse, town named too 'Pink city". And it was spring yesterday. ;)