Sorry if my deleting the thread came across as an over-reaction, but it is very annoying to have the identity of several crosses from a major respected breeder questioned, and even after explaining that is not the case to be talked over and have the debate continue like I was not even in the room.
All the more upsetting because one of the more recent posts came from someone who knows very well why he is ill-advised to take this path with me (no need for head scratching- if you do not immediately understand, it wasn't you).
Back to usual programming for me- Coryopedilum Chronicles 6 month update to come right after the Thanksgiving Holiday, and there is much to report, mostly good but a little bad too (randsii- surprise, surprise- but there is some new hope there, or at least I hope so). Such is life with so many different species growing in one small area.
Best and thank you to all for thoughts on the lighting. I like the cheesecloth idea (especially because I cook a lot, so I have tons of it on hand!) and that is going to be the first thing I try.