well at the end of Saturday, not too much has been accomplished! But it is nearly ready to move in. Here is the view of my lab from the lawn. as can be seen, still a bunch of things to be resolved (two tiles at the top of the step, trim the entrance door, varnish door and road-side door, Bring table and chairs to enjoy a G&T at the end of a hard day wearing comfy slippers and watching TV!
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And looking into the lab. The ante-room/prep/kitchen is nearly ready. The cornices are in, electric complete and working, storage cupboards are going in (as it turns out not enough storage space as the last photo will show) I am unhappy with the quality of the paint finishes and so will not move in untill anothert coat of paint has been applied. I guess it is not unexpected as I have not fitted the doors and counter tops. A job for Monday!
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The first two frames have arrived for my culture racks. Another 4 frames are due to arrive on Monday along with all the flourescent lights and shelves. To start I will have 6 frames wit 4 shelves each (1500mm x 600mm) that should be OK for a while? I do have space to double that up for future expansion
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And a bit of the equipment that I have started to unpack. I think perhaps I have gone a bit over the top with some things
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I have the following;
2 x 3litre Erlenmeyer
4 x 2litre
4 x 1litre
2 x 2 litre beakers
4 x 1 litre
6 x 500ml
10 x 2 litre reagent
6 x 1 litre reagent
10 x 500ml reagent
2 x 1 litre volumetric
2 x 500ml
2 x 100ml
Assorted pipettes
Assorted burettes
20 petri dishes soda glass
10 petri dishes pyrex
1 x 2litre sepparating funnel
1x 1litre
1000 test tubes with stoppers
1000 culture tubs tall
1000 culture tubs short
heated magnetic stirer
Digital scale
Distilation unit
4 boxes of scalples
bunch of forceps and smalls
Squirt bottles
2 stainless steel prep tables
If anyone can think of what I have missed, please, ... break it to me gently!
(the fishing rods on the right are obviously not for the lab, I am on my way to Madagascar in two weeks for a spot of diving fishing and drinking 'Two Horse Brand' Lager (and of course a small aerangis or angraecum may sneak its way into my bag, naughty naughty plants!)