A diffirent Paphiopedilum concolor

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2010
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One of my friend just collected early this year...


I love this a lot!!!
Did your friend tell you if the whole population was like this or just this particular plant among the "regular" forms??
Very interesting. This reminds me of the pale coloured bellatulum (white with light pink spots) which came from Myanmar or somewhere. I believe species are quite varied in phenotype and not everything that looks out of the ordinary is immediately a new species...
Not a new specie,but a very interesting variation.Also exists in bellatulum....this can be interestinng to use to try breeding vinicolor brachypetalums different than leucochilum...
In my opinion the colour is due to the dots that,due to unusual genetics,became "splashed"....if same genes can "splash" bellatulum dots in a hybrid ...may obtain a vinicolor concobellatulum....
and for shure selfing,selection and susequent in-breeding can produce someway vinicolor concolors

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