A few roth questions

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
I was wondering with good care, will a mature roth bloom every year or is once every two years all that can be expected?

Also, does the flower quality tend to improve much from the first blooming, assuming the plant gets more mature?

Thanks so much for any info,
Actually this is a great question, I would also like to know the answer. I have heard that once the plant matures some multi's can flower every year but I am not sure about roth's.

I am sure someone will tell us shortly.
I have a roth, an older clone, that bloomed every year for 4 years i think then I changed it's potting arrangement so it has skipped this past year. The plant has a dozen growths. The flowers where/are consistant. Not much change in them.
Once the plant becomes a multi-growth plant (average of 4-5 mature growths) and is producing new growths every year, you can expect it to flower every year.

The flowers will improve on a first bloom roth until about the fourth blooming. At the fourth blooming, you will see the flowers at their best, usually. It takes a while for a good roth to get started but once you reach this age of maturity, a quality plant is worth big bucks.

Good luck.... of course culture is key.
.... of course culture is key.
That's my goal for this year - improve culture! The multis I have have been doing pretty well but I think they could do better. I use crushed oyster shell, how many apply once a year at repotting or do you apply more often?