Thank you all for your kind comments (^_^)
Hi Paphioboy, yes I have someone take care of my plants when I'm away. I
give easy-to-follow instructions. By some trial and error you could try to find
the easiest regimen that works for your plants

Copious daily watering is a
no-brainer and so I'm really lucky that it works wonders for my paphs. Trial and
error is impotant I think, and I arrive at the current regimen the same way.
I'm still not so lucky with other plant groups, for example my gesneriads
collection, which requires individual observation of the wetness of the medium.
I tell the person helping me to watch the medium closely during watering, but
as you might guess, I still lost considerable portion of my collection
IMHO, the health of the young plants in flask is very important for their
subsequent performance. So choose carefully. Avoid flasks past their prime
unless the potential of the cross is really worth the risk. I think slightly too
young is better than slightly too old. And buying from the flask producer first
hand better than buying from vendors. Just my humble opinion...