Even though you may have offered to pay all the expenses for the shipper it still may not have been enough for the amount of effort it takes to get the documentation. Some countries have laws that require all plants to be commercially exported rather than just be mailed. In Peru this would cost at least $1000 by the time all the documentation and handling is done. This amount is for a "shipment", no matter whether it is one box or a sea container full.
Then on the USA side there are more import fees for commercial shipments and USA customs is slow and plants die and you pay for all surprise random inspections. remember USDA and Customs are now run by Homeland Security.
The exporter gets blamed for everything so you see it just is not worth the trouble even if you were willing to pay the expenses.
If you truely are willing to pay all of the costs involved you are a very rare buyer. Next time if you truly want to get the plants offer the seller a months wages in advance as a bonus. Or better yet go and get the plants in person, it would likely be cheaper.
Yep, I'm the rare buyer. If I want something badly enough and I say I'll pay all the expenses, then I pay
all the expenses. Period.
It doesn't make me a saint. It's just how I do business. I also don't promise to pay more than I can afford. Give me a figure and I will say yes or no. A month's wages may not be unreasonable if I want the plant badly enough. Going and getting it myself is also a viable option. I've actually been considering making a trip to Australia. Both of my parents are quite ill right now. Looking after them -- even with the help of all the visiting nurses, physical therapists and home health care workers -- while simultaneously managing two homes has been taking up most of my time and energy for the past few months. That is what is holding me back.
I guess I don't understand, however, what you are referring to when you say, "The exporter gets blamed for everything so you see it just is not worth the trouble even if you were willing to pay the expenses."
The only plants I have ever wanted to import have been rare named varieties of Neofinetia falcata, one species of Sarcochilus and a couple of Sarcochilus hybrids. I want to import plants via legal means only. No funny business. I've had great success in getting the Neofinetias from Japan. Glenn has brought some back for me. Some I've purchased from Jason, and some came from Satomi. I've imported some directly. Some were far more expensive than others. My wish list never seems to get any smaller LOL. There are $50 plants on my wish list and there are $5000 plants on my wish list. There might even be one with a five figure price tag. :rollhappy: It might stay there a while too.
Then again...
Neos are tough almost like little cactuses. They can survive bareroot without water and light for an amazingly long time. Sarcochilus plants, I think, are fairly tough too, although probably not nearly as tough as the Neos. Last but not least, it is not unreasonable to expect that from time to time a plant will perish in the process of exportation/importation. I would take all possible precautions with the Sarcochilus plants, including purchasing a minimum of two plants of each variety on the list, and after that, all I can do is hope for the best. It's a risk I would take. I don't expect miracles and I accept the risk. If the seller told me there was amost no chance the plants would arrive alive, then I would probably not go ahead with the purchase. When the seller doesn't want to do it but doesn't explain why or says it isn't worth the bother is when I start to feel frustrated. Still, it's their choice and I can respect that, but then I'm left wondering what other options I may have.
I'm not requesting anything illegal. I am offering to pay all expenses. I am offering to make it worthwhile for the seller. I accept all risks of loss. So what are the everythings you are talking about for which the exporter would get blamed? I don't get it.
This is the attitude I don't understand. I've faced it more than once, and honestly, I'm not a jerk. Sometimes I just know what I want, and I'm happy to pay for it.