Any thoughts on fungicides

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Anyone use / recommend any of the following? I have access to all three, so I just figured I'd throw this out there for your thoughts...If you do use one (or more than one) I'd be interested in what dosage you use and how you apply (spray / drench and sprayer / proportioner).

1. Domain
2. Subdue
3. Mancozeb

Thanks in advance...

I'm interested to hear as well, I don't really know what and how much to use for a fungicide or an algicide. Anyone here use Consan?
Use of Subdue fungicide

Regarding the use of Subdue fungicide. I do not believe that treating orchids is an approved use. (check the label)
My experience is that Subdue is sometimes very effective in treating acute bacterial rot in phals at a concentration of one drop per gallon. Why it worked on a bacterial infection when the product is sold as a fungicide, I do not know.
A friend of mine wiped out most of his phals by spraying a higher concentration. I do not remember what the phytotoxic concentration was as it was some 20 years ago.
I know nothing of its sffectiveness nor of its phytotoxicity in paphs.
I am not sure that I would use it on expensive plants.
I checked the price recently and tje cheapest source was $200/qt.
For fungus infections I trim out and discard all infected areas. Drench the plant in Physan, drench the plant again in either Daconil at 2 tsp/gallon or Commander at 1/4 tsp/gallon and then hand water keeping the foliage dry until a new clean growty is established. I have recieved a number of valuable plants which were infected with fungus or acute bacterial diseaes. Recovery is slow (3 yrs for an awarded William Ambler) and unsure.
Good luck