Yes, this weekend
Show and sale
Feb 23, 2019 9 to 5
Feb 24, 2019 10 to 4
Smith Vocational School
Rt 9 (80 Locust St.)
Northampton, MA 01060
Displays, talks, Vendors
Aloha Enterprises, Grace Emporia (gifts), J&L, Orchidphile, Piping Rock, Kelly's Korner (supplies)
Also down the street is Smith College Botanic Garden Greenhouse : -)
Thanks for info! Unfortunately I have to attend a funeral for a fellow church members daughter Saturday. Also I am unwise decision committing to buy remotely and have shipped to me three pistachio trees from New Mexico; long story short the shipping was $300+ eek eek eek
The person I asked to pick up the trees I just had drop off at the pack and ship; if I knew how much shipping would be I would’ve just had them planted on my mother’s property and left with a dripper (famous bad ideas list here)