Arrived! Paph. lowii forma aureum

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Jan 15, 2019
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Six days in transit from Florida (three days late). Not in the greatest shape, but it could have been worse. I've done a lot of swabbing with R-D-20 since my 20-year-old Phyton-27 decided to solidify. More on order. I had to water it, it was completely dry, but waited for it to acclimate for a couple of hours. I think we'll be good unless there has been damage below that I can't see.

Newly arrived lowii fm. aureum (2).JPG
Yayyy... looks ok, just dehydrated... how were the roots?

You can also cover with clear plastic the leaves (leave pot rim and top open) to increase humidity after day 2 till day 14. Check daily.
Thanks! I haven't checked the roots, yet. I thought it might be better to leave well enough alone for a few days. I guess a hint might be how quickly the medium dries out. I like the apparent construction of it - medium perlite, aliflor, but there is fine matter in there too. It isn't "weightless" after watering, but doesn't seem soggy-heavy either. The plant also seemed well-anchored, even before watering. If it's still wet after a couple of days, I'll have to have a look. Cool idea about wrapping it in the clear plastic.
Good luck with this hughe plant. After it will have recovered, I think you won't have to wait too long for a flowerspike.

......Cool idea about wrapping it in the clear plastic.

It's an old but very effective trick to help Paphs to get again in good conditions.
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It is a little dark leaved, who was your source? Good luck.
Thanks. In real life the color is fine. My guess is that it seems to have been grown in a crowd of plants. The leaves developed nicely but the base of the leaves and the stem I think could be sturdier. All fixable. 👍
The leaves of these aureums are naturally darker green than other MF (you can see in my Mango post).
Good to know. I keep working on it. At this point three leaves are staked and a fourth one propped against the wall just to take all possible stress off the plant while it recuperates. It sounds pathetic, and it may have been their last one, certainly not the cream of the crop. I believe it will be okay, though, with intensive care for awhile. I still have the plastic wrap in mind. I'm noticing some increased tendency to firm up. There's a new leaf started just inside the crown of the newest growth -- which should have been quite strong. Time will tell. 👍Lowii.JPG
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Oops. I should have said the "newer growth". The newer growth is the one front and center. The one in back, not visible, is the older one (I was confused myself until I took a moment to judge what actually was going on). Encouraging that that the vegetation springing from a relatively small growth may indicate good vigor from this cross (given half a chance to excel). The bonus being the new leaf emerging from the front growth, which will be a great "bellwether" for general health.
Mature leaves, base to tip. Only two on the division that size. One on the older growth and one on the growth in progress. I think the new leaf is progressing. Good sign. :)

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