.....................................but a Vespa..........! LOL
I am very very worried about this finding! It sounds very scientific!The latest assumptions, climate researcher Friederike Otto, who heads the Institute for Environmental Change at the University of Oxford means: Man-made global warming has increased the risk of fire-threatening weather conditions, the so-called Fire Weather Index, by at least thirty percent compared to 1900.
I find it amazing how the risk was assessed in 1900 to find an underlying.
I am very very worried about this finding! It sounds very scientific!
Yes. 99.37% of such data is assumption.
It's not data Ray, it's mind farting. Like when historical temperature records are altered for various reasons and then used as the ''correct data'' and using this to make claims about records and predictions when in actual fact it is no longer data it is now garbage. The proper scientific way to do this is to add error bars on the original data and to clearly state your reasons for doing so. Not change anything.Yes. 99.37% of such data is assumption.