Sugar from fruit is absorbed slower than refined sugars or simple starches. Eat as much fruit as you like.
I don't advocate for a high protein diet (I fear for people's kidneys), but a high sugar/simple starch diet is not good for you. It will cause the insulin spikes that drive many health issues and cause weight gain as well as cause the liver to produce bad cholesterol* (to transports the fats its synthesizes from glucose) while suppressing the good cholesterol released from adipose tissue which scrubs your arteries for you.
*It isn't the cholesterol, but how it is packaged: high (good) vs low density lipoproteins (bad).
Whether you replace that simple starch/refined sugar with salad greens or meat is largely irrelevant for weight loss (I think high protein is bad for your kidneys in the long run). Both result in about a 30% reduction in calorie intake and increase the levels of good cholesterol. I favor the salad greens as you will ingest more vitamin A, C and D and minerals. (You can get B-vitamins from beans, eggs and potatoes. Nothing wrong with potatoes in my opinion.)
The order in which you eat also matters. Eating vegetables first, then meat and finally starch you can avoid the glucose/insulin spikes*. The presences of the vegetables and meat in the stomach cause the stomach to retain the meal longer (the job of the stomach is to acid sterilize vegetables and digest meat) as well as secrete secretin which stimulates insulin production before the glucose is absorbed. The glucose is then absorbed slower from the stomach and without a massive spike in blood sugar. The full stomach also shuts down production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which will make you feel satiated so you don't over eat.
*This is just one of the wonderful things you learn by watching NHK instead of western BS-laden news channels. You will also experience a desire to visit Japan...
There is nothing wonderful and mysterious about weight loss. It is rather basic biochemistry and physiology. You should need to read more than an A4 printed page to get the message.
Bon appetit.