Best way to lose weight ?

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Eric is onto the real culprit - carbs out of control. Fats and oils do contain a heap of calories, but you can only eat so much of that before feeling sick. You can eat carbs until the cows come home.

Currently on a low carb diet now too, just as you describe - including the love of my life, beer. If this don't work, I'll consider the shark alternative.:rollhappy:
Supposedly Shark Tank show is doing a show on challenging people to lose weight or I guess come up with a best marketable strategy..when I saw the promo I thought , well, metaphor aside (Shark Tank) , way is to get in a real shark tank and swim with sharks..especially if they are hungry

but yeah, Eric's way is probably the best way
The ONLY medically proven way to achieve sustained weight loss is bariatric surgery......................unfortunately. Very few people can achieve sustained weight loss with diet and exercise - old habits dont die, nor do the metabolic drivers to eat.
The ONLY medically proven way to achieve sustained weight loss is bariatric surgery......................unfortunately. Very few people can achieve sustained weight loss with diet and exercise - old habits dont die, nor do the metabolic drivers to eat.

makes sense...we probably evolved over time with much more limited food resources and of course daily routines that burned more calories..where we didn't have a need to reason with are eating habits
I’ve got a good one. I’m working outside in the sun. The heat index most days is 100-115F. It really curbs the appetite. Down 8 lbs so far this summer (176-168).
I lost 40 pounds a couple years ago by cutting out ALL sugar and refined carbs. For 4 or 5 days, it was HELL!!!! The sugar cravings were terrible. But, then I got past the withdrawal and I was pretty happy after that. I ate as much protein (pork, beef, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish) and veggies that I wanted and a sensible amount of complex carbs (high fiber/whole grain). I even started adding some extra high fat foods to my diet, like pork sausages and full fat Cheese. I was never hungry. I missed the taste of sweet foods; but, it was just missing wasn't a craving any longer. Once I got over the 4 to 5 days of sugar withdrawal, I didn't crave the sugar any longer and the weight began to fall off at up to 5 pounds a week. You don't get fat from eating fat; you get fat from eating sugar.
Right....sort of. I cut out overeating fruit; but, I didn't cut out fruit altogether. I stopped eating bananas and for other fruits, I'd have one piece, or a few slices, instead of just eating a lot of fruit. Fruits we eat today are desert fruits. Wild fruit has more nutrients, more fiber and less sugar. It should be noted that I have since eased up on the "no sugar" life and I've gained back 10 pounds.
So John, no more fruits?

Sugar from fruit is absorbed slower than refined sugars or simple starches. Eat as much fruit as you like.

I don't advocate for a high protein diet (I fear for people's kidneys), but a high sugar/simple starch diet is not good for you. It will cause the insulin spikes that drive many health issues and cause weight gain as well as cause the liver to produce bad cholesterol* (to transports the fats its synthesizes from glucose) while suppressing the good cholesterol released from adipose tissue which scrubs your arteries for you.

*It isn't the cholesterol, but how it is packaged: high (good) vs low density lipoproteins (bad).

Whether you replace that simple starch/refined sugar with salad greens or meat is largely irrelevant for weight loss (I think high protein is bad for your kidneys in the long run). Both result in about a 30% reduction in calorie intake and increase the levels of good cholesterol. I favor the salad greens as you will ingest more vitamin A, C and D and minerals. (You can get B-vitamins from beans, eggs and potatoes. Nothing wrong with potatoes in my opinion.)

The order in which you eat also matters. Eating vegetables first, then meat and finally starch you can avoid the glucose/insulin spikes*. The presences of the vegetables and meat in the stomach cause the stomach to retain the meal longer (the job of the stomach is to acid sterilize vegetables and digest meat) as well as secrete secretin which stimulates insulin production before the glucose is absorbed. The glucose is then absorbed slower from the stomach and without a massive spike in blood sugar. The full stomach also shuts down production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which will make you feel satiated so you don't over eat.

*This is just one of the wonderful things you learn by watching NHK instead of western BS-laden news channels. You will also experience a desire to visit Japan...

There is nothing wonderful and mysterious about weight loss. It is rather basic biochemistry and physiology. You should need to read more than an A4 printed page to get the message.

Bon appetit.
Sugar from fruit is absorbed slower than refined sugars or simple starches. Eat as much fruit as you like.

Caveat: as long as you have a well balanced and healthy diet

eating too many strawberries or blueberries in one sitting can mess you up big time
While cutting carbs is a very effective way to lose weight, the truly smart way is to eat a well-balanced diet but reduce your overall calorie input.

Not that I am able to grasp either concept....
While cutting carbs is a very effective way to lose weight, the truly smart way is to eat a well-balanced diet but reduce your overall calorie input.

Not that I am able to grasp either concept....

our society eats too much empty calorie bread, processed potato stuff and refined sugar crap...cut this out and generally speaking, people will default to a well balanced diet
Too much red meat and senseless fat too. Potato chips=death in a bag :rollhappy:

Apropos to this discussion, my wife excitedly emailed me the other morning, "can you make scones, I want to taste a real one... and also that thick creamy stuff..." Then I mailed back, "you mean clotted cream?" And she immediately shot back, "YES!" She is a serious food junky. We're never moving the US. :p

balanced diet + regulated calorie intake + good sleep + daily exercise = a healthy thriving body

As for a person's mind, that's a whole other discussion! I can offer no advice there...
Ha, ha! More like a pact with the devil! :evil:

:fight: Them's fightin' words!

Heather: Congratulations! It's always great when you make an effort, that it actually works! 30 pounds in 7 months is very good. When dieting, you want a steady decline in your weight; but, not too fast. If you go too fast, then what you're doing is likely so extreme that it's hard to keep up, long term. Also, if you lose weight too fast, you get a lot of sagging skin!

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