Big leaf Magnolia

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Eric Muehlbauer

Sorry, forgot the scientific name...I think this is the slightly smaller leafed big-leaf species...umbrella magnolia? At any rate, it never grew well for me, just very spindly. After the tornado/microburst hit in 2010, I thought it was totally destroyed. Instead, this is what it turned into. All blooms have already faded, after a day. But they were all open at once.
they had a yellow flowered one (a hybrid) bloom here at the Arnold Arboretum for the first time this year
Magnolia macrophylla, or Cowcumber Magnolia! They grow in sandy soils on river and stream banks here. The soil must be well-drained, or they really struggle to do well. Also, is that a Red Buckeye to the right of it?
Yes, its a red horse chestnut. I have 2...there is another in front of the house, which grows taller, but with paler flowers that are relatively shortlived. The one in the photo is one that has died back to the ground many times...last time due to the microburst. But, like everything else, it came back looking better than it ever did. This is its best blooming- best shape, best color, most blooms...and best of all, its been in bloom several weeks without fading.
Japanese Maple. I forget the clonal name, but its a fairly common variety. I have to apologize for the neighbors behind me are renters, and the landlord will not keep up the the yard is choked off by bittersweet and porcelain berry, covering a mulberry that is sure to collapse in the next big storm...their hemlocks have been literally horizontal for years. And its a pain trying to control the vines that creep across the fence.