Cheers guys for your kind remarks!
As to your questions:
Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Nikkor 105mm, 1:2,8G which does great things for me! with the real small stuff. This here is one of these shots:
As for larger things like this group shot:
I just really need to be on the other side of the building, since using a Macro-lens whilst needing a wide-angle shot creates it's own problems. I had about 5-6 metres between lens, and the plants for that shot, which quite clearly is not ideal.
Right to left (top-row):
leucochilum (out-cross seedling), bellatulum "Wild Thing", clearly not award quality!, leucochilum (out-cross seedling), top flower: bellatulum "Better Than Good", a plant that will go into my Brachybreeding for very obvious reasons, left flower: leucochilum "My pressures", one of my best plants. Base flower: bellatulum album (a rather small first flower, not too very symetrical, I'll wait and see how it does these next few years, though I have to say: it is the most healthy and beautiful plant...just talking about the plant).