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Is anyone growing this species? I am looking for seed. Thank you.
Hey Gerhard,
To my knowledge, this plant has been lost to over collection in the wild and the plants in cultivation all are hybrid origin. Some retain most of the characteristics of that species, but aren't truly pure plants. Japanese growers aren't concerned with growing "true species", but rather enjoy the more flamboyant hybrid forms. Hybrids of this species are grown not for their flowers, but rather their scent.
Plants of such hybrids are sold of course, but I can't remember ever seeing anyone selling seed of any Calanthe.
could you check if this dealer has pure C. izu insularis. Thanks.
Also, if he ever sells flasks.
Looks like he's sold out on flasks of "ニオイエビネ", C. izu-insularis. He does have some adult plants ranging in price from 100,000-50,000 per. Pricey stuff.