Can this work?

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Mar 13, 2009
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I have only three paphs that grow on a windowsill. I mist daily (a few times) and have them on little trays with pebbles. I do not have fans for air circulation or humidifiers or grow lights. I've grown phals, two mini catts, a mounted oncidium and some kind of paph successfully in the past mostly in my bathroom window (western exposure). Unfortunately they all succumbed to my lack of interest:sob: Are my plants doomed in such a "low tech" environment? I'd like to try again.

It sure can work! I have never used humidifiers or anything like that and my plants grow and bloom fine. I also live in a really dry climate. I have grown on windowsills and continue to do so for some of my plants.
Most of my Paphiopedilums grow on windowsills in a west-facing window. They get watered once per week (on average). They're doing just fine. I quit using humidity trays years ago. They haven't suffered for it. Just keep an eye on them and water only when needed.
Likewise, most of my 30+ slippers grow on windowsills with no supplemental light, humidity trays, misting or anything like that. I water and fertilize once a week or so (more in warm weather, less in the winter) and that's pretty much it.
With some exceptions, like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it! A person may say that they only water once a week but their tap water may contain more dissolved minerals than anothers, or when they say that they 'water' it means take the plant to the sink and wash water thru it... Orchids do have certain light, temperature, humidity, nutritional, etc. needs and the better you fulfill them the better they will generally do.
I guess I have to ask the question - What made you lose interest? How would this time be different? We do spend alot of time waiting for the precious blooms to grace us & some people lose interest in that way. I took an exit of almost 8 years, I had too many plants & not enough time to properly care for them. What paphs do you have now?
I think it's safe to say that those of us with GH started out on windowsills. There are gonna be some plants that won't do well under your circumstances & others will do just fine. Eric said it well! I have to chuckle at a fan or a humidifier as being high tech! It's easy to add one or both & you might find it benefits you as well as the plants! I used trays simply because I didn't want to haul the plants back & forth to the sink. There is some debate as to if this method really increases the humidity, I always look like it as if it can't hurt! Good luck, we're as close as your keyboard!
I guess I have to ask the question - What made you lose interest? How would this time be different? We do spend alot of time waiting for the precious blooms to grace us & some people lose interest in that way. I took an exit of almost 8 years, I had too many plants & not enough time to properly care for them. What paphs do you have now?
I think it's safe to say that those of us with GH started out on windowsills. There are gonna be some plants that won't do well under your circumstances & others will do just fine. Eric said it well! I have to chuckle at a fan or a humidifier as being high tech! It's easy to add one or both & you might find it benefits you as well as the plants! I used trays simply because I didn't want to haul the plants back & forth to the sink. There is some debate as to if this method really increases the humidity, I always look like it as if it can't hurt! Good luck, we're as close as your keyboard!

I lost interest due to illness and was just not able to properly care for them. That was many years ago.