This wonderful cattleya trianae has had an exciting month of March 2024. It opened it's flowers on the 1st of March, and was taken to AOS judging in Toronto on March 9th. I had wanted to save if for the Montreal les Orchidophiles Show judging on March 16th, but a 550 km. trip can sometimes be stressful in end of winter conditions. In Toronto, the plant received an Award of Merit, and was well named by Dr. Leslie Ee as clone 'Pink Pearls'. So a week later, the plant travelled to Montreal and was the central plant in the Southern Ontario Orchid Society display assembled by AOS judge Alina Furtak and SOOS President John Vermeer. The plant was honored with two trophies. One for best Cattleya and another for Best Species plant in the show. As the grower of the plant, I can say that the normal time frame of 2 years took place here in it's re-acclimatization after travelling from one southern continent to a northern one. The clone itself should do very well for Dr,Leslie Ee as it is showing itself to have very good genetics both floral and culturally. I would not say that the plant is yet a beast, but it is indicating to me that it has the ability to generate multiple leads, necessary for a plant to become a cultural champion. Ohh yes, and the fragrance is definitely both pleasingly intense and superior to most trianae. Below is a SOOS display pic and two pics by me taken yesterday at home. Cheers.