I have no idea who may have stole from whom of recent time. Actually several people, I heard including Hans got burgled at the same time I was told. Now this is what I was told, and it could all be gossip, but given the sources, its unlikely.
This does not discount peoples past actions.
Still, with regard to my comment regarding offended people, I doubt they would be involved in such low acts.
Tinh, I have lived here over 8 years and seen few Madagascan species around. Mostly Angraecoids that are commonly available. Mind you I never went to Han's nursery. I'd had email contact with him, and some promises made where too far fetched for me to believe.
Tinh, to be honest.. One hears many things. I recently was told that Madagascan species flasks were stolen from a prominent lab in Bangkok, the owner of residing in said country. Where did they go? Good question there too. You could only grow them in the higher areas of Thailand. This happened some years back now though.
To be honest, I only brought up this issue to start in defence of friends who felt cheated. Its turned into a much bigger matter and I dont have the time or want to persue it. Those friends said they would add their piece,so if they do, fine. I'm opting out of this debate as its going in circles now.