complex hybrids

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Bill Gordon

New Member
Feb 28, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, I live in NE Mass. My favorite Paphs are the complex hybrids, especially those of Hadley Cash of Marriott Orchids, now owned by Koopman Orchids. I live in senior housing without a temperature drop, so I do not grow Paphs right now, but I compose music and admire them very much and gain inspiration from orchids and gardens. I am very encouaged by the efforts in the Netherlands and Taiwan with orchid growing. Both countries have Paph vendors with complex hydrids. We have to be careful of overcollectiong and the danger of orchid extinction being a danger with all of the natural world. I depend on photos and appreciate them. Orchids bring joy and beauty into the world, especially in northern climates in the winter months. Orchid displays and hybridizing depend on creativity and artisitic expression.
Bill Gordon
C8EED7FA-76D8-42B1-8CDB-76633AFAAF58.jpegIs this what you mean by a complex Paph? Even though I have been growing orchids for a great many years, I only started growing these about 6 months ago. And I am really excited with what I see so far.
I have about 20 of them. Most were acquired in bloom or bud and by now all have been repotted and are putting out 1 or 2 new growths. I repotted them all because I want to see their root systems and I want them in my media.
I grow under lights and they are on now for 11 hours a day as of March 1st. They are 6-8” below the T-5 tubes. I water about once every 5 days. My temperatures indoors range this time of year from 72-75 daytime and 66-68 at night. The house heat is on a it restricts my temperature range.
They will all go out for the summer beginning around May 1st and come back inside by October 1st. Outside the days range from 70-85 and from 48-65 at night. I am not in what I would call a place with a warm summer.
If you require more information either post here or message me directly.
My mix is medium bark, fine bark, perlite and medium charcoal. I grow in plastic pots only.
Well, I thought that it might be but let’s wait and see if Bill Gordon agrees.

It is absolutley a complex Paph. Also known as a bulldog Paph, this type of hybrid has been around since the 1800s. Intermediate to cool-growing plants, they can have huge, round flowers wih striking colors and spots/patterns. Take a look at the old Marriott Orchids website for examples of this type of breeding:
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It is absolutley a complex Paph. Also known as bulldog Paphs, this type of hybrid has been around since the 1800s. Intermediate to cool-growing plants, they can have huge, round flowers wih striking colors and spots/patterns. Take a look at the old Marriott Orchids website for examples of this type of breeding:
That’s a glorious place to raise your spirits!! Gorgeous photos of absolutely gorgeous plants.

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