finally getting around to taking a couple photos at the greenhouse. here are some things flowering at the moment...
Paph. superbiens
Paph. niveum var. alba
Also this is the award photo of the roth I had shown last month.. the picture came out great..
Paph. rothschildianum 'Deane' AM/AOS
Sorry for the non slipper photos but these two were too good not to share!
Cattleya mossiae var. semi-alba
and Stanhopea embreei. When all's said and done this thing will have had 14 flower spikes over 2 monthes!
Paph. superbiens
Paph. niveum var. alba
Also this is the award photo of the roth I had shown last month.. the picture came out great..
Paph. rothschildianum 'Deane' AM/AOS
Sorry for the non slipper photos but these two were too good not to share!
Cattleya mossiae var. semi-alba
and Stanhopea embreei. When all's said and done this thing will have had 14 flower spikes over 2 monthes!