2 growth plant that was a single growth last year. Have 2 pubescens that are up but not flowered yet...have others that are not up yet, Kentuckiense and some hybrids. Not sure if they will come up.
Great to hear some of your Cyps are up! Looking forward to seeing your Pubescens in bloom. I lost one of my Pubescens seedlings thanks to a slug, it wasn’t strong enough to produce a new eye afterward. But all my Kentuckiense are up and the rest of my Pubescens. But I do pot culture right now with my seedlings. I also had them in an unheated well house and they started way to early in my opinion. I also received my near blooming hybrids from hillside nursery a few weeks ago and got those in pots until they’re bigger and i’ll get them out in raised beds eventually. With all this rain we are getting I’ve been doing a lot of moving from outside to inside under lights in my garage.. it’s a giant pain in the you know what. Hopefully the rest of yours start popping up!
Lovely hybrid, and you got to love it not only for the large flower, but also because it flowers so early. I just saw quite a few blooming in Victoria, BC and the only other plants in flower were one of its parents, C. fasciolatum.