the season has finally started and here we have a single photo of a pot of Michael just starting up.
My reason in starting this thread is not to bore you all with photos of cyp shoots but to ask about feeding.
General recommendations for hybrids in pots is full strength feed and for species, quarter strength.
I've just acquired a TDS meter and taken a few measurements.
Rain water - 20 units.
Tap water - 235 units ( it is pretty hard)
Rain water with full strength feed - 525 units.
I have occasionally fed the hybrids with tap water plus feed so I must have gone as high as 750 units with some watering in previous years.
No plants have ever shown signs of over feeding.
Has anyone experimented with feed to see just how much hybrids can take?
The plants go from nothing to fully in bloom in about a month and must have a huge requirement for fertilizer during this period.
It would be nice to know where the limits are!
the season has finally started and here we have a single photo of a pot of Michael just starting up.
My reason in starting this thread is not to bore you all with photos of cyp shoots but to ask about feeding.
General recommendations for hybrids in pots is full strength feed and for species, quarter strength.
I've just acquired a TDS meter and taken a few measurements.
Rain water - 20 units.
Tap water - 235 units ( it is pretty hard)
Rain water with full strength feed - 525 units.
I have occasionally fed the hybrids with tap water plus feed so I must have gone as high as 750 units with some watering in previous years.
No plants have ever shown signs of over feeding.
Has anyone experimented with feed to see just how much hybrids can take?
The plants go from nothing to fully in bloom in about a month and must have a huge requirement for fertilizer during this period.
It would be nice to know where the limits are!