Cyps in pots 2013

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Renate pastel


I didn't like my plant of 'Michael' until it had been flowering for several years and the colours became much clearer. It's a slow burn grex.
You may be correct about Renate pastel.
I've just checked Frosch's site and there the flower lip is much more like you'd expect from the two parents.
Maybe it is just another Sabine, although a nice one.


I didn't like my plant of 'Michael' until it had been flowering for several years and the colours became much clearer. It's a slow burn grex.
You may be correct about Renate pastel.
I've just checked Frosch's site and there the flower lip is much more like you'd expect from the two parents.
Maybe it is just another Sabine, although a nice one.


I'm certainly not questioning your cross, but it is a bit of a mystery why the lip should end up so inflated looking. There are some pretty bulbous lips on various macranthos plants, but not to warrant that lip! I have seen some wild plants out of China that were labeled "fasciolatum" that were for sure hybrids with a macrantos type, probably franchetti - they had simliar lips with variable color, kind of like a pink looking fasciolatum.

About Michael, it was one of a long line of purple X yellow/green lipped species often resulting in muddy colored flowers with not so lovely purple veins. To each his own!
Gabriela, Sabine and a segawai cross


Tom - thanks for the comments, maybe I'll leave the plant with it's present label.
A cold week has slowed down the progress of the cyps but a few more hybrids have opened up.
First up is the plant we decided last year was Gabriela( fasciolatum x kentuckiense). It was bought as Florence. Don't get me started on mislabelled hybrids...
A fast growing hybrid and now mature with soft muted colours.
Second is Sabine alba in it's full glory. A real stunner. The photo may show the lip as being white but it is actually the same colour as the petals - cream.
Lastly we have segawai x fasciolatum. Bought over winter this is the first time I've seen this. You can clearly see both parents in the progeny. Only problem is that where there is a 2nd flower on a stem,
it affected the development of the lip of the first flower, resulting in an asymmetric flower.
The result is a short, slightly ungainly plant but it may improve,




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great flowers and plant as always, will look for the fascio X segawai myself this year
David, first of all you are the master grower of Cyps in pots. Really, your plants are show winners, everyone you post. That Sabine alba is enough to make this wanna be Cyp grower, grown man cry. I'll never post another one of my sad specimens to this forum in light of your beauties.

I guess it is easy to mislabel plants when you sell thousands each year. I've seen a case where a plant was bought as straight henryi and turned out to be Gisela! I've bought froschii and received Ulla Silkens... Both were bought from reputable dealers.

The Gabriella is just an amazing display - WOW! WOW! WOW!

Sabine abla - Yes, I know it looks a bit different, but who needs difficult to get and expensive plants like rebunense when you can have a plant like this?

I saw a lovely segawai x fasciolatum for sale this spring - nice hybrid. I'm sure yours will be looking stellar next year!
youtube clip


Tom - thanks for the kind words.
Here is an experiment - I took a video clip of the cyps this morning and uploaded it to you tube.
I just used the video feature of my Canon S2 camera.
The quality isn't great and the colours are a bit washed out but you get the drift.

Maybe next time I'll add a commentary.




you're right about both plants.
The tibeticum just emerging has about 18 growths and about 8 or 9 flower buds.
Another plant that really enjoyed last summer's cool weather.


you're right about both plants.
The tibeticum just emerging has about 18 growths and about 8 or 9 flower buds.
Another plant that really enjoyed last summer's cool weather.


how long have you tibeticum in pot ?
tibeticum growth


how's this for detail?
I have an excel file full if this geeky stuff.

2008 - arrived in early spring from Peter Corkhill as a division and produced 1 growth and flower.
2009- 2 growths, 2 flowers.
2010 - 4 growths, 3 flowers.
2011 - 6 growths, 1 flower ( cold winter of 10/11 killed some flower buds).
2012 - 9 growths, 3 flowers. Repotted for the first time since I bought it in the autumn of 2012 after 5 years of growth.
I think I posted some photos of the repot last autumn.
2013 - 18/19 growths, 10 flowers.
Again, another plant that loved last year's poor cool summer,

I have my tibeticum in 2010 outdoor, one growth and now 7 growths ( 2013 ) . So in pot grow tibeticum faster.
Thanh you very much .
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this week's plants part 1

Another cool week with slow development.
First up is Ingrid - a nice small flowered hybrid from parviflorum.
Next is macranthos 'pink', a form from Floralpin.
This species seems to have flowers that are particularly sensitive to low winter temperatures.
This plant has 6 growths but only this one flowered, the others all have dried up buds.
It may have a bit of x ventricosum in it's makeup.
Next is parviflorum 'makasin' - it makes one extra growth each year.
Finally there is 'Sabine' and another clone of 'Sunny'.
Both vigorous growers.


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so great one, had this light version too, but did not repot it and lost it after it was a big one. Try to find such a color again, but hopefully one day....

my makasin is the same every year at least 1 growth but I made now 3 of them....
The main part blooms already the other in bud...
this week part 2

Three more plants - two clones of x ventricosum and a large tibeticum.
The coloured clone is a frosch plant.
The album clone was bought as a seedling from macranthos 'red russian'.
I have another identical seedling so maybe I'll try for seed.
This plant is probably big enough to take a pod.
The tibeticum is a division from a breeder and has large flowers.
It has doubled in size since last year - it really liked last year's non summer,


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I will look in fall thanks, that tibeticum is more then great.

I have a pale ventricosum too, saw it yesterday, was even not thinking that I plant a cyp there, a record shows me that I gave some dead stuff there one day, and it was a evtri alba in there too, so I have one growing and did not know...
when you have flask dont forget about me.