I have some of these in my collection as well. So far they grow well and this year I had plenty of flowers.
As Lycaste53 says the plant needs a cold dry rest to get it to flower. I keep mine outdoors till temperatures during the night go below 0 degrees celcius. Two years ago I left them out for too long, ended up loosing 75% of my leaves and 40-50% of the bulbs were affected by frost damage.
But somehow these plants keep surviving and flowering. As long as you don't try to take to much care of them.
I had one in a 8" pot...hundreds of flowers but way too big. They keikei like crazy...I am giving them away on a regular basis. And as mentioned, I leave them cold (about 10-12 C) and dry from October till January then gradually increase the heat and water.
I have mine setting on the windowsill in my greenhouse, right next to the S. window. It won't get any colder in there than where it is. Maybe I just won't be able to grow this and will have to be happy with more tolerant hybrids. Sigh.