Dendrobium speciosum ???

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These are photos of a plant that I've had for at least a dozen years. It's growing quite happily in a container on my front doorstep. I believe it to be the species Den. speciosum but it might be a hybrid. Could anyone here shed some light on that?




It has about a dozen spikes on it. This is the best flowering for this plant in several years.

Best Regards,
Den speciosum x delicatum? (Where delicatum = speciosum x kingianum). What does it smell like? The flowers of delicatum smell perfumy (kingianum influence) while speciosum smells like honey. Your plant looks like a speciosum but the pink spots in the flowers give me doubt. I haven't yet seen a speciosum with pink spots in the flowers (though such plants may well exist).

I would suggest it is a D. speciosum. It could be a hybrid like D. Andrew Perrson but the canes are too thick.

You are probably right. Dendrobium speciousum is so variable. But it looks different to any speciosum I have seen. Especially the canes, small flowers and short flower spikes.

Beautiful flowering ! I have also a such Dendrobium but I never see it blooming.
Around May, it produces a new cane which, after a month or so, is topped by a green envelope that could be a sign of future flowering. And then nothing for the rest of the year (only one can per year). During the summer, this envelope dries out and turns gray. What diet do you give your plant? Is it necessary to take certain actions, such as stopping fertilization, letting it dry out or putting it in the cold when this spathe has formed? Thank you in advance for your information.